English II Prep - Lesson Plans ... Monday Tuesday Wed/Thur

English II Prep - Lesson Plans
- Week of 10/13 – 10/17
Daily Objective: The
student will analyze
nonfiction works using
vocabulary and
comprehension skills.
Daily Objective: The
student will analyze
nonfiction works using
vocabulary and
comprehension skills.
How Assessed: Night
project, Night test
How Assessed: Night How Assessed: Night How Assessed: Night test,
project, Night test
test, Night SAR
Night SAR responses
Materials Needed: journal, Materials Needed:
Night books, review sheets journal, Night books,
review sheets
Daily Activities:
Daily Activities:
1. Do First – Briefly
1. Do First – Write
summarize the events of the about whether or not
evacuation from Buna and you would make the
the emotions Weisel was same decisions as
Weisel did.
2. Read chapters 8 of Night. 2. Read chapter 9 of
4. Write an outline for the Night.
persuasive essay. Due 3. Complete Active
Reading Guide for
5. Work on Active Reading chapters 6-9.
Homework: Work on
persuasive essay. Due
Friday at the end of class.
Homework: Work on
persuasive essay. Due
Friday at the end of
Daily Objective: The Daily Objective: The
student will review and student will review and
respond to single and respond to SAR questions
paired SAR questions about a nonfiction work.
about a nonfiction work
and a documentary.
Materials Needed:
Materials Needed:
journal, books, STAAR journal, Night project
SAR rubric, SAR
rubric, books, review
sheets, STAAR rubric,
peer review sheet, STAAR
lined paper
Daily Activities:
Daily Activities:
1. Do First – The
1. Do First – Write about
Holocaust occurred
whether or not you liked
with very few people the book and why.
learning of it until the 2. Finish the persuasive
end of the war. Why do essay. Due at the end of the
you think the Nazis
were able to hide
3. If persuasive essay is
genocide on such a
finished early, review for
grand scale?
the test.
2. View “The Wave”
and discuss.
3. In groups, respond to
SAR questions about a
nonfiction work and a
Homework: Work on Homework: Study for test
persuasive essay. Due over Night. 10/23, 10/24
Friday at the end of