English II Prep - Lesson Plans ... Monday Tuesday Wed/Thur

English II Prep - Lesson Plans
- Week of 9/22-9/26
Daily Objective: The
Daily Objective: The Daily Objective: The Daily Objective: The
student will complete a
student will begin the student will be begin student will complete a
district benchmark using
prose analysis unit. The the prose analysis unit vocabulary quiz using
knowledge of poetry. The student will use and
and learn techniques for reading comprehension
student will begin to learn background
reading and analyzing knowledge. The student
the rewrite process and the background knowledge non-fiction works. The will apply reading
STAAR writing sheet by to analyze film and
student will build
comprehension to make
rewriting persuasive essays. prose.
vocabulary for reading connections between text
and social issues.
How Assessed: district
benchmark, revised
persuasive essay
How Assessed:
Reading discussions,
vocab quiz
Materials Needed: journal, Materials Needed:
writing prompt, STAAR
journal, video note
writing prompt sheet
Daily Activities:
1. Do First – Write a scene
between two characters
where one persuades the
other to do something.
2. Complete the district
benchmark (30 mins).
3. Analyze student
examples of the
persuasive essay.
4. Discuss STAAR writing
5. Work on revising
persuasive essay.
How Assessed:
Reading discussions,
vocab quiz
How Assessed: Vocab
quiz, Night project
Materials Needed:
Materials Needed:
journal, copy of Night, journal, vocab sheet, copy
vocab sheet
of Night
Daily Activities:
Daily Activities:
1. Do First – Write
1. Do First – Write
about you know about
about something
new you learned
2. Discuss WWII
about the Holocaust
powerpoint for
and why it’s
background knowledge. important to learn.
3. Watch video clips of 2. Discuss Forward of
Life is Beautiful.
4. Discuss and work on 3. Read Ch. 1-2 of
video note sheet.
Night and pause to
fill out vocab sheet.
4. Discuss the reading
and the vocab sheet.
Daily Activities:
1. Do First – Write about a
time you have felt
discriminated against.
You can write a journal
entry or story.
2. Vocab quiz (15-20
3. Introduce “prewriting”
stage of Night project.
4. Work on project: Create
a drawing or story
about: the novel, what
you would take with
you if you were forced
to leave your home, or a
time you have felt
discriminated against.
Homework: Revised essay Homework: Revised Homework: Study for Homework: Turn in
due Friday, 9/26.
essay due Friday, 9/26. vocab quiz on Friday, “prewriting” assignment at
9/26. Revised essay due the end of class for a daily
Friday, 9/26.
grade. Make good choices.