Teacher Name: Falcon Unit Name and #:

Westside High School Lesson Plan
Teacher Name:
Unit Name and #:
English II Prep
Unit 6: Of Mice and
February 16-20, 2015
What are we learning?
Daily Objective: The student will use analytical and comprehension skills to understand a text and complete analytical
and comprehension questions.
ELA.10.5A Analyze isolated scenes or chapters and their contribution to the success of the plot as a whole in a variety of
works of fiction.
Analyze textual context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to distinguish between the denotative and
connotative meanings of words.
ELA.10.Fig19B Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding.
ELA 10.1B Analyze textual context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to distinguish between the
denotative and connotative meanings of words.
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
1. MUGS Monday
2. Go over MUGs
3. Read Ch. 1 of OM&M
4. Answer study guide questions
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: Achieve 3000, writing exercises, timed-writing
Checks for Understanding: Study guide questions
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: Pen and Pencil, OM&M Books and Study guides
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: Bring laptops tomorrow!
What are we learning?
Daily Objective: The student will use analytical and comprehension skills to read an article, take notes on the article, and
take a reading quiz based on individual reading levels.
ELA.10.5A Analyze isolated scenes or chapters and their contribution to the success of the plot as a whole in a variety of
works of fiction.
Analyze textual context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to distinguish between the denotative and
connotative meanings of words.
ELA.10.Fig19B Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding.
ELA 10.1B Analyze textual context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to distinguish between the
denotative and connotative meanings of words.
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
1. Do Now: Vocab
2. Review vocab
3. Achieve 3000
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: Achieve 3000 quiz
Checks for Understanding: Notes and reading quiz, vocabulary
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: Laptops
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: None.
What are we learning?
Daily Objective: The student will use analytical and comprehension skills to understand a text and complete analytical
and comprehension questions. The student will use organizational skills and writing mechanics to practice developing an
argument and writing essays.
ELA.10.5A Analyze isolated scenes or chapters and their contribution to the success of the plot as a whole in a variety of
works of fiction.
Analyze textual context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to distinguish between the denotative and
connotative meanings of words.
ELA.10.Fig19B Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding.
ELA 10.1B Analyze textual context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to distinguish between the
denotative and connotative meanings of words.
ELA.10.13B Structure ideas in a sustained and persuasive (logical) way (e.g., using outlines, note taking, graphic
organizers, lists) and develop drafts in timed and openended situations that include transitions and rhetorical devices
used to convey meaning.
ELA.10.13C Revise drafts to improve style, word choice, figurative language, sentence variety, and subtlety of meaning
after rethinking how well questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed.
ELA.10.13D Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
1. Do-now: Vocab
2. Reach Ch. 2 OM&M
3. Go over study guide questions
4. Persuasive essay practice: Write a thesis statement based on an anticipation guide question
5. Peer critique classmates’ thesis statements
6. Practice writing essays
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: writing exercises, timed-writing
Checks for Understanding: Thesis statement peer critique
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: Pencil or pen, paper, study guides, copes of OM&M
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: None
What are we learning?
Daily Objective: The student will use analytical and comprehension skills to understand a text and practice test-taking
ELA.10.Fig19B Make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding.
ELA.10.5C Evaluate the connection between forms of narration/point of view (e.g., unreliable, omniscient) and tone in
works of fiction.
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
1. Do Now: Free Write: SAR
2. Reverse multiple choice practice
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: OM&M SAR’s
Checks for Understanding: Answering differentiated multiple choice questions, individual practice, group participation
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: OM&M multiple choice practice, pencil, paper
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: None