Please get out your tree thinking map for a stamp , then RTB .
Yo – Read the
What the frack?
Homework – Prepare to
• Prepare for Friday’s Socratic Dialogue on Fracking – what is the appropriate level of regulation for this industry?
• By Friday:
• Find two articles based on last name. (Cite source)
• Print out or bring in on device.
• Read and summarize for dialogue.
• ***Must be focused on what regulations exist for this aspect of fracking!
Today’s Plan:
• Formation of Petroleum and Natural Gas
• Exploration and production of petroleum, including fracking
• Refining petroleum into products.
• Global oil reserves.
Why fossil fuels?
Because fossil fuels contain hydrocarbons with lots of bonds
• Burning fossil fuels: converts potential chemical energy to heat and light kinetic energy
• CH
+ O
+ H
• Longer hydrocarbons = more chemical bonds = more potential energy
How do oil and natural gas form?
Watch the video clip.
In your notes, outline oil formation in bullet form.
How does this relate to the carbon cycle?
So does that mean that oil-rich regions were once underwater?
Check for understanding!
• AP it up! Write one basic (but lame) answer and one AP-worthy answer to this prompt: Describe the formation of oil and natural gas in the carbon cycle.
• How does the consumption of fossil fuels change the balance of the carbon cycle?
• What is the standard for comparing renewable and nonrenewable resources that we’ll be using in this course?
Akward segue!!!
Formation of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Exploration and production of petroleum, including fracking
Refining petroleum into products.
Global oil reserves.
OK, so how do we get it out of the ground?
Gotta find it first!
3D seismic imaging
Fracking is not “new”
1947, George Mitchell, Barnett Shale
Quick check – put the following steps in order!
• A. Shale rock fractures releasing petrochemicals
• B. Borehole drilled vertically past water table
• C. Natural gas and petroleum rises through well back to surface and is collected in tanks.
• D. Propants keep fractures open and gas flowing
• E. Fracking fluids sent down well under pressure
• F. Horizontal drilling through shale layer
• Check it! B, F, E, A, D, C
Fracking advantages
Fracking disadvantages
Production in conventional plays:
Three stages of recovery
• Primary oil recovery: oil flows into well because of gravity and difference in pressure between rock and well. (Spindletop – gusher started the Texas oil industry in Beaumont)
Secondary recovery: hydrocarbons must be forced out by water (or gases like CO
2 maintain pressure in the system
) to
Horsehead pump
Injection well
Production well
Tertiary recovery – a base like soap is added to water to move the last hydrocarbons
Base added
Akward segue!!!
Formation of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Exploration and production of petroleum, including fracking
Refining petroleum into products.
Global oil reserves.
Refining – the last step
• Observe the differences between the vials. List as many as you can see.
• Star the characteristic that you think is significant for separating oil into different products.
• Hold up the vial that probably has the longest hydrocarbons.
• Hold up the vial with the shortest hydrocarbons.
• On what basis did you pick these two vials?
Valero refinery on the ship channel
Distillation column at refinery
• Purpose: to separate crude oil into different products based on length of hydrocarbon chains!
Check for understanding!
• On your map, put your finger on where fracking would be happening.
• On your map, draw and arrow to show where refining would be happening.
Akward segue!!!
Formation of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Exploration and production of petroleum, including fracking
Refining petroleum into products.
Global oil reserves.
So, how much is there?
• Change w fracking? Change w drop in price?
Global Petroleum reserves
Problems with dependency on foreign oil:
• 1. Other countries • OPEC – Organization control supply and price
• 2. Political and diplomatic difficulties of Petroleum exporting countries:
Algeria , Angola ,
Ecuador , Iran , Iraq ,
Kuwait , Libya , Nigeria ,
Qatar , Saudi Arabia , the United Arab
Emirates , and
Global Shale Gas reserves
(trillion cubic feet)
US reserves – fracking has created big changes!
(mark these on your diagram)
• Peaked in 1972- 9.6 million barrels daily
• Declined between 1970-2005; US importing up to 60% of petroleum requirements; exports banned
• 2005 – Fracking technology makes more reserves economically viable
• 2011 – current boom explodes with fracking
• US crude output expected to crest around 9.5 million barrels per day in 2016, then begin to decline in 2020. (7.5 million barrels/day projected through 2040)
Whew! That was a big bite!
• Fossil fuel formation in carbon cycle
• How fracking works
• Fracking tradeoffs
• Refining
• Reserves and resources
• Current trends