Monday Week of: 9/15/2014 - 9/19/2014 Teacher: Gillespie Subject: Principles of Technology TEKS: 1.A., 2.A., Objective: To gain an understanding of scientific phenomenon such as measurement, dimensional analysis, scaling, Pascal’s Principle, absolute pressure, fluid dynamics, variable manipulations, SI Units, and 3.A., 4.A., 5.A., technology through an engineering project. 6.A., 1.B., 2.B., Activities: Administer Pre-Test, Implement Water Survey, Present Power Point 3.B., 4.B., 5.B., Presentation over summer E3 research, discuss the roles of scientists and 1.C, 2.C., 3.C., engineers in our lives, “bridge the gap” between high school and college 4.C., 5.C., 2.E., applications, discuss the importance of water in our lives, introduce project, and 3.E., & 2.F. explain modeling. Materials: Tuesday Books, Calculators, Flash Drive, 2 Bottle Project (pipe, valve, & connections), notes, water, food coloring, meter stick, ruler, computers, and worksheets (1-5). TEKS: 1.A., 2.A., 3.A., 4.A., 5.A., 6.A., 1.B., 2.B., 3.B., 4.B., 5.B., 1.C, 2.C., 3.C., 4.C., 5.C., 2.E., 3.E., & 2.F. Follow Up/HW: Water Survey, Construct Physical Model, Complete unfinished. Objective: To gain an understanding of scientific phenomenon such as measurement, dimensional analysis, scaling, Pascal’s Principle, absolute pressure, fluid dynamics, variable manipulations, SI Units, and technology through an engineering project. Activities: LAB--Cooperative learning groups(4)—PHYSICAL MODELING-Examine and manipulate Troyville, collect and record data on Troyville, set-up and experiment with my two bottle system, collect data on system my preconstructed system, set up home made water tower system and perform experiments based on Physical Lab worksheet. Materials: Books, Calculators, Flash Drive, 2 Bottle Project (pipe, valve, & connections), notes, water, food Friday Wednesday/Thursday coloring, meter stick, ruler, computers, and worksheets (1-5). TEKS: 1.A., 2.A., 3.A., 4.A., 5.A., 6.A., 1.B., 2.B., 3.B., 4.B., 5.B., 1.C, 2.C., 3.C., 4.C., 5.C., 2.E., 3.E., & 2.F. Follow Up/HW: Water Survey, Plan Virtual Model, Complete unfinished. Objective: To gain an understanding of scientific phenomenon such as measurement, dimensional analysis, scaling, Pascal’s Principle, absolute pressure, fluid dynamics, variable manipulations, SI Units, and technology through an engineering project. Activities: LAB--Cooperative learning groups(2)—VIRTUAL MODELING—SetUp and manipulate your own version of Troyville, run simulations and record data on Troyville, virtually set up home made water tower system and perform simulations based on Virtual Lab worksheet. Materials: Books, Calculators, Flash Drive, 2 Bottle Project (pipe, valve, & connections), notes, water, food coloring, meter stick, ruler, computers, and worksheets (1-5). Follow Up/HW: Water Survey, Construct Virtual Model, Complete unfinished. TEKS: 1.A., 2.A., 3.A., 4.A., 5.A., 6.A., 1.B., 2.B., 3.B., 4.B., 5.B., 1.C, 2.C., 3.C., 4.C., 5.C., 2.E., 3.E., & 2.F. Objective: To gain an understanding of scientific phenomenon such as measurement, dimensional analysis, scaling, Pascal’s Principle, absolute pressure, fluid dynamics, variable manipulations, SI Units, and technology through an engineering project. Activities: Summarize the activities of the week and discuss what it is that we learned, hypothesize about results and their implications, debate possible sources or error and applications to the real world, present power point presentation #2 over Dr. Brumbelow’s work, answer the question, “How do I become an engineer or scientists?”, Post test, and invite Dr. Brumbelow, Dr. Boulanger, and Dr. Zechman in to speak to classes. Materials: Books, Calculators, Flash Drive, 2 Bottle Project (pipe, valve, & connections), notes, water, food coloring, meter stick, ruler, computers, and worksheets (1-5). Follow Up/HW: Water Survey, Complete unfinished work for week.