October 13 -17, 2014 Lessons

Math Models with Applications
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Linear Functions
Oct. 15-16
Oct. 14
Monday Oct. 13
October 13 - 17
Objective: SWBAT graph linear equations using a table in order to apply to real world
applications. TEKS: MMA.1A, MMA.1B, MMA.1C, MMA.2A, MMA.3A, MMA.5A
Activities: Warm Up: Graph linear functions from standard form using a table.
Notes: Go over how to solve the linear equation from standard form (AX + BY = C) to
y = mx + b slope-intercept form, then explain how to graph on a coordinate plane using a
table. Demonstrate technology: calculator Application Problems: Show how to solve a real
world application problem from linear equations. Running problem
Guided Practice: Students finish Handout: Graphing linear functions from standard form
using a table.
Assessment: Exit Ticket
Materials: Handout/ spiral notes
Follow Up/HW: finish handout (graphing lines)
Objective: SWBAT find the x-and y-intercepts of a linear equations. SWBAT find meaning of
the x- and y-intercepts from a real life applications. TEKS, MMA.1A, MMA.1B, MMA.1C,
Activities: Warm Up: Graph a linear function from standard form using a table.
Notes: Demonstrate multiple ways to find the x- and y-intercepts. Also show the multirepresentations of how to find the x- and y-intercepts from a table, graph, and equation. Use
technology to find x- and y-intercepts. Show the meaning of the x- and y-intercepts with real
world applications.
Guided Practice: students practice problems. Handout
Assessment: Exit Ticket
Materials: Spiral Notes
Follow Up/HW: Finish practice problems.
Objective: SWBAT review how to find the x- and y-intercepts of a linear equation. SWBAT
graph linear equations from a table. TEKS: MMA.1A, MMA.1B, MMA.1C, MMA.2A,
PSAT (Wednesday)
Activities: Warm Up: Find the x- and y- intercepts from a linear equation.
Notes: Go over how to find x- and y-intercepts. Show how to find meaning in real world
applications of x- and y- intercepts. Go over how to graph linear equations using a table.
Independent Practice: Students will work on review problems. TEST is Friday.
Assessment: Exit Ticket
Materials: Spiral notes, graph paper, textbook
Follow Up/HW: Study for Test.
Objective: SWBAT show mastery of graphing linear equations using a table and finding xand y-intercepts. TEKS: MMA.1A, MMA.1B, MMA.1C, MMA.2A, MMA.3A, MMA.5A
Activities: Assessment: Test # 4
Materials: Test # 4
Follow Up/HW: none