English III Prep Syllabus
Ms. Schandra Comeaux East 233
Lesson Plans www.westsidewolves.org
Contact Information scomeaux@houstonisd.org 281.920.8000 x 6052
Parent Student Connect - www.houstonisd.org
Black or blue ink pens
Loose-leaf paper
1 folder with pockets
Supply List
Pencils for quizzes or tests (as needed)
Markers and construction paper (as needed) for in-class projects
Computer/internet access*
flash drive email address
Reading and writing are two of the most important skills that you will use for the rest of your life. It is to your benefit to get the most out of English class. No matter what you plan to do in the future, you will have to communicate effectively and use critical thinking skills, and that is what this class will help you to do.
More specifically …English III covers the major periods of American literature from the Puritan Era to 21 st Century writing. We hope to develop the students’ understanding of the history and cultural progress of our country through literature conveying the perceptions and experiences of American authors.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: The primary goal of English III is to help students develop and improve their reading, writing, and thinking skills through close reading and written literary analysis. Students will also have the opportunity to develop strategies and knowledge to:
Develop, apply, and demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills.
Develop and apply oral and presentation skills
Demonstrate their comprehension of material through regularly scheduled quizzes and tests
Develop test-taking skills through multiple-choice quizzes and constructed responses
Gather, analyze, and organize information to support a thesis or interpretation for oral or written presentations.
Analyze literature for content and through writing, support a personal response to build a connection between literature and life.
Demonstrate the ability to respond to a text by employing personal experiences and critical analysis.
Demonstrate the ability to control language by applying the conventions of Standard English in writing and speaking.
Demonstrate the ability to compose in a variety of modes by developing content, employing specific forms and selecting language appropriate for a particular audience and purpose.
Compose effectively and purposely for diverse audiences through a variety of written models edited for organization, coherence, support, and Standard English (including grammar, usage, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization).
Apply spelling, proofreading, basic grammatical and editing skills
Express analysis and practice writing skills through academic writing assignments and in-class essays
Communication - Participate in active class analytical discussions and participate in whole group and mini-group presentations
Describe how various American writers’ use of language is related to contemporary ways of thinking, cultural heritage, and cultural values.
Grading Policy
The Westside Grading Policy for the 2014 - 2015 school year is as follows:
The division between major and minor grades for all curriculum teams is 70%-30%. While not mandated by school administration, Westside has elected to use a minimum of “50” for major grades. This does NOT apply to instances
of cheating. In accordance with HISD policy, “A student found cheating on any assignment (plagiarism counts as cheating) or test will be given a zero.”
English III Prep Syllabus
NOTE: Unless strictly stipulated by the teacher, collaboration on written work is not acceptable.
Students who willingly provide other students with access to their work are ALSO in violation of the school’s Honor Code.
NOTE 2: Using any form of technology more sophisticated than a pen on a quiz/test will earn a “0” as well.
All curriculum teams will have the same major grades (quantity, weights, and content). Minor grades will be similar, but they are not required to be uniform.
Teachers must post at least one grade each week.
Teachers must have a minimum of two major grades each grading cycle.
Retake policy ( short version – see the Westside Way for more information) :
Only major grades are eligible for a retake;
Students are limited to one retake per six weeks;
Retake must be completed within one week of original test grade being posted in GradeSpeed;
Retakes are for grades 75 and below only;
Retakes are capped at 80.
NOTE: Be prepared at any time for an evaluation of your progress. QUIZZES WILL BE GIVEN AT THE
NOTE: Please keep all returned assignments; I will not address grade disputes without your work.
REMEMBER … you are able to access your grades online and you are expected to know what grade you have and what you are missing. Your grade should never be a surprise to you. Take a proactive approach to your education and remain aware of where you stand.
Homework will be given as deemed necessary by the teacher, and in most cases, work that is not completed in class
AUTOMATICALLY becomes homework.
All homework is due the following day unless the teacher has specified a different day and must be given to the teacher when it is asked for, or it is LATE. NOTE: Late work will be penalized 20 points and will only be accepted for 1 week after the original due date.
Mrs. Pollard Thursdays 3:30 – 4:30
I strongly encourage you to make use of the tutorial times to discuss
Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunch and after school on Tuesdays from 3:15 – 4:00 pm in East 233
You MUST have a pass from me to attend lunch tutorials; please plan ahead!
All other times are by appointment only. Please schedule alternate times at least 24 hours in advance. Student may also attend tutorials with Coach Grimes (E 227) or Mr. Culver (Room E137) if scheduling with me becomes a problem.
If a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the student to retrieve all missed assignments from the teacher and return all completed written work within one week of his or her return to school. Work due the day of absence is expected to be completed and turned in the day the student returns to school. Email is always an option if you would like to submit an assignment on the day its due.
Students may also email me an assignment or to ask about missing assignments if absent.
NOTE: Credit for a class will be denied due to excessive absences (more than 5) regardless of the student’s
academic grade.
English III Prep Syllabus
During class, texting, using laptops for purposes other than note taking, and other misuses of technology during class time is prohibited.
On occasion, students will be required to submit essays or to complete an assignment that has been posted on Edmodo, so computer access is a necessary requirement for class. If there is not a computer in the home, students may arrange to use a class computer during tutorial times or at one of the following locations:
Westside Library 1 st Floor, near East 1
Copies are $.10 each.
Printing from the computers is available for .10 per page. Patrons are responsible for all pages printed.
THE LIBRARY AT ANY TIME! A pass is good for 30 minutes.
No FOOD or DRINKS in the library (Including GUM or CANDY).
Students are responsible for the appropriateness of their internet browsing and downloading.
Kendall Neighborhood Library
609 N. Eldridge Houston, TX 77079
1.6 miles from WHS
832 -393-1880
Monday 12- 8; Tuesday 10– 6; Wednesday 12-8; Thursday 10-6; Friday 1-5; Saturday 10-5;
Robinson-Westchase Neighborhood Library
3223 Wilcrest Houston, TX 77042
4.3 miles from WHS
Monday 11-6; Tuesday 12-8; Wednesday 10-6; Thursday 11-6; Friday 1-5; Saturday CLOSED;
METRO bus schedule (just in case you need transportation to the library ) www.ridemetro.org
– document storage in lieu of drive (requires download) www.prezi.com
– presentation tool www.magnoto.com
–poster maker www.fakemovieposter.com
– movie poster http://www.citrify.com/ www.wordle.net
- photo editing
– word collages www.MakeBeliefsComics.com
- comic strip creator www.marvelkids.com
- comic strip creator www.animoto.com
– animation tool www.anmish.com
– animation tool www.toondoo.com
– comic strip generator www.stripgenerator.com
– comic strip generator http://www.citationmachine.net
– Works Cited creator
Come to class each day prepared to learn. This means that you have all of the necessary materials including a book for silent reading if you finish your daily activities early.
Attend class and maintain proper behavior in the classroom.
Maintain classroom folder and keep all graded work and handouts at least until the end of a unit, but preferably until the end of the semester.
Please raise your hand to speak and PLEASE do not walk around the classroom when someone is speaking.
English III Prep Syllabus
Turn in all assignments on time and actively participate in class. A primary purpose of class discussion is to give you the opportunity to practice developing interpretations of the text and their connection to history or to our personal lives today.
Treat other students and Ms. Comeaux with respect and courtesy. Our classroom will be a safe and effective learning environment. This means that all opinions and ideas will be heard and respected even if you do not agree with them.
There is zero tolerance for disrespect.
Wear your WHS ID to enter the classroom. If you forget it at home, please purchase a temporary identification sticker prior to coming to class.
Respect and adhere to the WHS Dress Code.
Assist me in keeping the classroom neat and orderly. I make every effort to keep the classroom neat, clean, and orderly for you. My expectation is that you will clean up after yourselves and your peers and by pushing in your chairs when it is time for you to leave class.
Refrain from bringing food or drink into the classroom as having food and drink in areas beyond the Commons is in violation of WHS policy. You must discard any food or drinks brought to East 2 before entering the classroom.
All work submitted for a grade must be neatly written in black or blue ink only or word processed on black ink only as specified. Final drafting and publishing of essays must be double-spaced and word processed using 1” margins on all sides and 12 point Times New Roman or Courier New font.
Sign up for a GradeSpeed/Parent-Student Connect account (visit www.houstonisd.org for instructions) in order to
ALWAYS remain aware of your grade/missing assignments.
NOTE: Offensive language, talking out of turn, sleeping, walking when someone is talking, or any other type of destructive behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
English III Prep Syllabus
Students MAY use cell phones to assist with class assignments and may use headphones and other electronic devices (i.e., iPods or other MP3 players) during independent practice ONLY.
Please keep them turned off or on vibrate and out of sight until this time.
Students SHOULD NOT answer their phone, send text messages, or spend time perusing Twitter, Instagram, or any other social networking site, gaming site, or any other distracting site during class at any time. Doing so is strict violation of the classroom policy.
I reserve the right to confiscate any device that is used during an unauthorized time or when I have determined that its use is causing a disruption or is interfering with my effort to properly teach, supervise, or maintain safety and order. Confiscated property will be turned in to administration per Westside policy.
Consequences of Electronic Device Violations
If a student violates the policy stated above, the phone or other electronic device will be confiscated. In order for a student to receive his/her electronic device back, the student must:
Pay a $15 fine in the main office (before school, at lunch or after school). Students must pay CASH and have correct change to pay the fine; AND
Wait until the following Friday (if confiscated on a Thursday or Friday, it will be retrieved the following
Tuesday) after school to pick up the phone or the electronic device. The student will have between 3:20 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to retrieve the phone from the main office with his/her $15 dollar receipt. Again, phones confiscated on a Thursday or Friday will not be released until the following Tuesday.
There are no special exceptions! Do not ask me to retrieve your phone or try to explain to your dean or office personnel why you need it. Once your phone has been confiscated, the school secretary in the main office can only release it at the appropriate time after school.
If you cannot manage without your phone, please respect my request, and we won’t have any problems.
I will do everything possible to ensure the safe collection of a phone or electronic device picked up from a student in violation of the school rules. However, neither WHS nor I will be financially responsible for any phone or electronic device or the replacement of that phone or device if it becomes missing from the school premises.
It is imperative that you understand these policies as well due to the financial implications and possible disruption to your routine when a device has been confiscated.
English III Prep Syllabus
Parent/Student Signature Page. Please tear off and return. Student should keep copy of Syllabus Packet!
Return by Friday, August 29, 2014
I have read, am familiar with, and accept the requirements and expectations of the entire syllabus packet for Ms. Comeaux’s
English III class.
Student signature: ______________________________________________
Printed student name: ___________________________________________ Class Period: ____________________
Student email address (one that you check regularly, please): ________________________________________________
You have two options. You can sign and fill out the form below, or you can email me at scomeaux@houstonisd.org to acknowledge that you have read the syllabus packet. If you email me, make sure to respond with your complete contact information (phone numbers and alternate email addresses). This way I will have your correct email address already on file, and it also gives you an opportunity to communicate any information you feel is important for me to know so that I can help your son or daughter to be successful in English III this year. Just make sure you include the name of your son/daughter in the subject line of the email.
If you are unable to email me (or do not wish to do so), please sign and fill out the information below.
I have read the syllabus, assignment and classroom expectations for Ms. Comeaux’s English III class.
Parent/Guardian signature: _______________________________________
Printed Parent/Guardian name (please print): __________________________________
Email address: _________________________________________________
Home telephone: _______________________________________________
Work telephone: _______________________________________________
Please offer any additional information you would like to share here: