GT English II Weekly Plan 2014-2015 Morgan Objective: I can compose a synthesis essay Activities: Do Now Review synthesis components Source analysis chart CFU: Synthesis essay Homework/Upcoming Dates: 11/17 Julius Caesar packet check 1 11/17- Vocab visual due 11/18—Vocab sentences due 11/21: Synthesis Essay Due Wed/Thurs Objective: I can compose a synthesis essay Activities: Do Now Review synthesis components Write! CFU: Synthesis essay Homework/Upcoming Dates: 11/18—Vocab sentences due 11/21: Synthesis Essay Due Objective: I can closely read a complex text in order to analyze its rhetorical features & purpose Activities: Do Now Read JC Act II in close reading groups. CFU: Close reading guide, study questions Homework/Upcoming Dates: 11/21: Synthesis Essay Due Friday Tuesday Monday Week of November 17-21 Objective: I can compose an SAR which would score a 3 on the EOC Activities: Do Now DYRT Quiz over Act II SAR practice CFU: DYRT, SAR Homework/Upcoming Dates: Today: Synthesis Essay due Mon-Tues—Vocab illustration/sentences GT English II Weekly Plan 2014-2015 Morgan Monday Objective: I can compose an EOC Persuasive Essay which would score a 4 Activities: Do Now Persuasive Essay practice CFU: Persuasive Essay Homework/Upcoming Dates: 11/24—JC Packet Check 2 11/24—Vocab illustration 11/25—Vocab sentences Tuesday Week of November 24-25 Objective: I can closely read a text in order to determine its rhetorical strategies and purpose. Activities: Do Now “Speed Dating” rhetorical analysis for Act III of JC. CFU: Speed Dating analysis Homework/Upcoming Dates: 11/25—Vocab sentences