GT English II 2/23-27

Westside High School Lesson Plan
Teacher Name:
Unit Name and #:
GT English II
Unit 5
Coming of
Week 2
Daily Objective: I can create and compose an SAR which would score a 3 on the
EOC Exam.
TEKS/AP/Standards: Ⓡ ELA.10.Fig19B Make complex inferences about text and use
textual evidence to support understanding.
Learning Activities:
No Redink Warm up (revise and edit)
Students will create their own SAR questions about their books; group mates will
compose responses.
Assessment Methods: SAR responses
Checks for Understanding: SAR questions and responses
Materials: Laptop/novels
Follow Up/Homework:
2/23: Vocab Illustration
2/24—SAT Sentences(Infinitive Phrases)
Monday 3/2: DJ 2 Due
Daily Objective I can connect rhetorical strategies to author’s purpose,
TEKS/AP/Standards: Ⓢ ELA.10.6A Evaluate the role of syntax and diction and the
effect of voice, tone, and imagery on a speech, literary essay, or other forms of literary
Learning Activities:
No Redink Warm up (revise and edit)
Close reading annotation and rhetorical precis
Assessment Methods: Annotation/rhetorical precis
Checks for Understanding: Completed assignment
Materials: Laptop/novels
Follow Up/Homework:
2/24—SAT Sentences(Infinitive Phrases)
Monday 3/2: DJ 2 Due
Daily Objective: I can compose a persuasive essay which would score a ¾ on the
EOC Exam.
TEKS/AP/Standards: Ⓡ ELA.10.13B Structure ideas in a sustained and persuasive
(logical) way (e.g., using outlines, note taking, graphic organizers, lists) and develop drafts in
timed and openended situations that include transitions and rhetorical devices used to convey
Learning Activities:
Persuasive Essay
Work on DJ 2 or Bildungsroman Project
Assessment Methods: Persuasive Essay
Checks for Understanding: DJ 2, Persuasive Essay
Materials: Persuasive Essay Prompt/novels
Follow Up/Homework:
Monday 3/2: DJ 2 Due
Daily Objective: I can present a claim which challenges or defends a quotation from
my novel by using grounds and GREASES for support.
TEKS/AP/Standards:. Ⓢ ELA.10.9B Distinguish among different kinds of evidence
(e.g., logical, empirical, anecdotal) used to support conclusions and arguments in texts.
Learning Activities:
No Redink Warm up (revise and edit)
In groups, defend and challenge assertions made in texts.
Assessment Methods: Defend or Challenge assertions
Checks for Understanding: Intertext discussions
Materials: Student synthesis essays
Follow Up/Homework:
Monday 3/2: DJ 2 Due