Art 1 Printmaking Project Objectives: The students will: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Learn the art of printmaking Create a design that is conducive to the relief printmaking process Make a plate by carving and printing on linoleum Produce an edition using a relief printmaking process Extend their printmaking vocabulary Design Instructions: 1. Draw three designs in scale with linoleum 2. Select the best design in consultation with the teacher 3. Use graphite on the back of the design then transfer onto your linoleum plate Carving Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Remember this is a relief process, all areas that are cut away will remain the color of the paper Use cutting tools with extreme care, always cut away from your body and keep hands behind the blade Warm areas to be carved with a warm iron to decrease the resistance Cutting errors can be glued down Be careful during rinsing when cleaning the plate Large areas can be sanded to give them “tooth” if they aren’t picking up enough ink Printing Instructions: At the Inking Station: 1. Place ink on Plexiglas plate and roll out to coat the brayer thoroughly 2. Roll inked brayer evenly over the raised surface of you plate At the Printing Station: 1. Place your inked plate onto clean newspaper. Apply printing paper on top of the inked plate 2. Transfer the ink to the paper by rubbing with a baron 3. Check your rubbing by carefully pulling one side and checking the paper, replace and transfer more ink. 4. Carefully remove your paper from the plate Print Editions: Prints are numbers in a specific way. They will be numbered on the lower left side in pencil 1/5 (first of five) 2/5 (second of five), etc. In the center under the design is the title of the print also in pencil. The conventional rules for editions of prints are as follows: #/# Title Signature Assignments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Two artists proofs on newsprint An edition of five black ink on white paper An edition of two white ink on black paper An edition of two colored ink on colored paper An edition of two prints on hand made grounds A collage made of left over prints A card with one of your best prints on the cover An artwork on a large piece of paper that serves as the focal point in a drawing.