AP Spanish and Culture 09-29-10-03 Day Objective Activities Monday Express wish and desire with the present subjunctive. Tuesday Use personal expressions that require the use of the present subjun Wed/Thur. Write a short essay that requires present subjunctive. Friday Speaking presentation using present subjunctive Power point presentation notes over present subjunctive. Practice present perfect by creating sentences using the correct form of the present subjunctive. HW present subjunctive wksh and study verbs that express wish and desire for Test Thursday Review present subjunctive and give list of personal expressions to continue practicing the present subjunctive. Practice present perfect by creating sentences using the correct form of the present subjunctive. Hw personal expression wksh and study verbs that require present subjunctive for Test Thursday. Review present subjunctive. Test of verbs in the present subjunctive (30%) Explain writing assignment Write essay (70%) Explain speaking assignment Write about what you want someone to do using present subjunctive.