
Pre-AP Español 2 y 3
La clase de la Sra. Aliaga
Welcome to Spanish Class!
Although this class is considered an
elective, you will find that it is as
difficult as Algebra (¡Ay, caramba!).
There is the opportunity to have a
little more fun than in Algebra,
however. We can listen to music,
watch videos, eat interesting foods,
and practice speaking Spanish,
which is definitely more practical
than Algebra!
Class Expectations
There are four simple rules in my
BE PROMPT – in your seat when the
tardy bell rings.
The class is set up on a 5.0 grade
point average scale due to the class
being a Pre-AP class.
Chapter Tests, Essays and Project
Quizzes: Vocabulary and Grammar
Daily Class Work, Homework, Oral
Listening and Written Activities
= 100%
Daily homework – checked for
completion – TODO O NADA. Turned
in at the beginning of class. Grade
given based on effort and
Probably one of the most difficult
tasks in studying Spanish is being
able to find your papers when you
need them. Please have a 3-ring
binder or a section ready to
dedicate to this class. You can keep
lined paper in it for assignments and
it will hold your workbook. It should
be 1 or 2 inches wide.
You may come to the room (N224)
Wednesdays/Thursdays ONLY
during lunch. Any other time must
be scheduled in advance.
Extra Credit
The only extra credit offered in class
are based on supplies needed for
BE POLITE – show courtesy and
the class and will be announced.
respect for others, their property
Tissue Box= 2 points (limit 2 per
Class participation – on-task
and yourself.
behaviors and correct responses
Hand Sanitizer =3 points (limit one
earn points. Speak Spanish!
BE PREPARED – bring all materials
per semester
to class every day.
Quizzes – Quizzes will be announced Index Cards (3x5) = 4 points (limit 2
per semester)
1 week prior and have a review for
BE PRODUCTIVE – be on task and do studying per chapter. Other quizzes Markers (8/10 pack) = 3 points (limit
what you are asked.
2 per semester)
at option of teacher.
For a maximum of 12 points
per semester!
Tests – Grammar /Chp. Tests will be
announced 1 week prior and have a
Restroom Pass: keep your 3
review for studying. Each test
restroom passes in a strip and
will/may include multiple-choice
items, listening comprehension, and receive points in a 6 weeks grade.
Grading Policy
(amount of points may vary per
a writing sample.
Daily Work – Done and turned in
during class.
According to WHS handbook and
Sra. Aliaga:
1. Re-take may be 1 major grade per
6 weeks if the grade is 75 or below.
2. Prior to re-take, the student
MUST complete requirement(s) per
* attend a tutorial regarding failed
subject matter
* do test corrections
3. Re-take MUST be completed
within 1 week from Gradespeed
4. Students must fill-out re-take
form prior to major grade.
You MUST have the following:
1. A 3ring binder
2. 5 dividers
*student tracker
*grammar notes
*cultura /música
3. Pen/Pencil/highlighter
4. English/ Spanish dictionary and
if possible a verb book.
I will inform you if I do a notebook
check which will be EVERY 6 weeks
that can be worth up to a
Minor/Major GRADE. So being
organized in this class has its
Contact information
Phone: 281.920.8000 ext. 6114
: Number is: (281) 829-8127