Week 13 Lesson Plan

Westside High School Lesson Plan
Teacher Name:
Alonzo Adams
Monday, April 6th- Friday, April 10th (Week 1)
English I Prep
Periods: 4
Unit: Cycle 6
What are we learning?
Daily Objective: I will be able to examine the genre of epic
TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA.9.1A Determine the meaning of
grade-level technical academic English words…
English I PreAP
Periods: 1, 2, 5, & 6
Unit: Cycle 6
What are we learning?
Daily Objective: I will be able to examine the genre of epic poetry.
TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA.9.1A Determine the meaning of grade-level
technical academic English words…
How will we learn it?
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
1. Think/Pair/Share Warm Up: “What comes to mind when
you hear Greek Mythology”?
2. Read Aloud warm Up Part 2: The Origin of Zeus
3. Popcorn Read Textbook Introduction: “Homer’s World”
pages 1188-1190
4. Characteristics of an Epic: Web Thinking Map
Learning Activities:
1. Think/Pair/Share Warm Up: “What comes to mind when you hear
Greek Mythology”?
2. Read Aloud warm Up Part 2: The Origin of Zeus
3. Popcorn Read Textbook Introduction: “Homer’s World” pages 11881190
4. Characteristics of an Epic: Web Thinking Map
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: Students will fill in their own chart.
Assessment Methods: Students will fill in their own chart.
Checks for Understanding: Students will be called upon to
read and answer questions about the reading.
Checks for Understanding: Students will be called upon to read and
answer questions about the reading.
What do I need to be successful?
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: handouts, textbook, pencil
Materials: handouts, textbook, pencil
What are we learning?
What are we learning?
How will we learn it?
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
1. District Snapshot #6
Learning Activities:
1. District Snapshot #6
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: n/a
Assessment Methods: n/a
Checks for Understanding: n/a
Checks for Understanding:n/a
What do I need to be successful?
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: LAPTOP
Materials: LAPTOP
What are we learning?
What are we learning?
Daily Objective: I will be able to examine vocabulary words Daily Objective: I will be able to examine vocabulary words in context
in context and analyze the characteristics of an epic hero.
and analyze the characteristics of an epic hero.
TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA.9.5B Analyze how authors
develop complex yet believable characters
TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA.9.5B Analyze how authors develop complex
yet believable characters
How will we learn it?
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
1. Archetypes Guide: Annotate for Examples
2. Academic Vocabulary Introduction: Epic Simile, Epithet,
and Allusion
3. Read Book 1, Book 5, and Book 9- stop after the blinding
of Polyphemus
***As we read, we will be making notations on our chart
for examples and vocabulary terms
Learning Activities:
Learning Activities:
1. Archetypes Guide: Annotate for Examples
2. Academic Vocabulary Introduction: Epic Simile, Epithet, and
3. Read Book 1, Book 5, and Book 9- Stop after The Lotus Eaters
4. Explain/Model Calypso’s Island Assignment
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: Students will be cold-called to
explain various plot and character points as we read.
Checks for Understanding: A pop quiz will follow today’s
What do I need to be successful?
Assessment Methods: This assignment we begin in class will be for a
Checks for Understanding: I will be showing examples from last year in
order to ensure student understanding about the objective of the
Also, I will be checking the students’ close reading annotations as they
work on their assignment in class today.
Materials: handouts, textbook, pencil
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: handouts, textbook, pencil
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW:
Calypso’s Island Assignment Due Friday 4/10
What are we learning?
What are we learning?
Daily Objective: I will be able to examine vocabulary words Daily Objective: I will be able to examine vocabulary words in context
in context and analyze the characteristics of an epic hero.
and analyze the characteristics of an epic hero.
TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA.9.5B Analyze how authors
develop complex yet believable characters
TEKS/AP/Standards: ELA.9.5B Analyze how authors develop complex
yet believable characters
How will we learn it?
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
1. Reading Quiz #1 (10 minutes)
2. Finish Book 9
3. Vocabulary Words- Frayer Models on Notecards
Learning Activities:
1. Turn in Homework (Calypso’s Island)
2. Finish Book 9 + Add to Vocabulary and Example Chart
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods: The pop reading quiz is for a minor
Assessment Methods: The assignment turned in at the beginning of
class is a grade; the objective is a close reading practice.
Checks for Understanding: Students will add to their notes as we read.
Checks for Understanding: Students will be assessing their
knowledge of various vocabulary words using Frayer
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: handouts, textbook, pencil
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: handouts, textbook, pencil