Week of: October 6-10 Teachers: DeGroodt/Falcon Team: AP Lit

Week of: October 6-10
Teachers: DeGroodt/Falcon
Team: AP Lit
Objective: To understand a work’s complexity, to absorb richness of meaning, and to analyze how meaning is
embodied in literary form.
Objective: To understand the way writers use language to provide meaning and pleasure.
Objective: To write, focusing on critical analysis of literature including expository, analytical, and
argumentative essays as well as creative writing to sharpen understanding of writers’ accomplishments and
deepen appreciation of literary artistry.
Warm-Up: Hand in Prose Analysis revision [MAJOR]
Activities: Read Plath’s “Wuthering Heights”; unpack poetry analysis prompt; TP-CASTT
Individually: Write thesis and first body paragraph using allusion to show theme
Cooperatively: Decide on another literary device and write second body paragraph that discusses
how chosen lit device conveys theme
Groups share responses
Upcoming Major Assessments: Poetry Analysis Essay (sonnet) on October 13
Materials: Pen/pencil, novel, course handouts
Follow Up/HW: Read the 4 Shakespearean sonnets , (130, 18, 116, 29) by W/Th
Objective: To understand a work’s complexity, to absorb richness of meaning, and to analyze how meaning is
embodied in literary form.
Objective: To understand the way writers use language to provide meaning and pleasure.
Objective: To write, focusing on critical analysis of literature including expository, analytical, and
argumentative essays as well as creative writing to sharpen understanding of writers’ accomplishments and
deepen appreciation of literary artistry.
Warm-Up: Finish sharing Plath poetry responses
Activities: Introduce sonnets: form, structure, analysis process
Italian sonnets Petrarchan sonnets (using the Petrarchan sonnets in the book)
First sonnet: guided practice; second sonnet: independent practice
Upcoming Major Assessments: Poetry Analysis Essay (sonnet) on October 13
Materials: Pen/pencil, novel, course handouts
Follow Up/HW: Read the 4 Shakespearean sonnets , (130, 18, 116, 29) by W/Th
Objective: To understand a work’s complexity, to absorb richness of meaning, and to analyze how meaning is
embodied in literary form.
Objective: To understand the way writers use language to provide meaning and pleasure.
Objective: To write, focusing on critical analysis of literature including expository, analytical, and
argumentative essays as well as creative writing to sharpen understanding of writers’ accomplishments and
deepen appreciation of literary artistry.
Warm-Up: TP-CASTT 2 of the 4 Shakespearean sonnets assigned
Activities: Shakespearean sonnets--Socratic seminar
Upcoming Major Assessments: Poetry Analysis Essay (sonnet) on October 13
Materials: Pen/pencil, novel, course handouts
Follow Up/HW: Read Act I of Hamlet by October 15/16
Objective: To understand a work’s complexity, to absorb richness of meaning, and to analyze how meaning is
embodied in literary form.
Objective: To understand the way writers use language to provide meaning and pleasure.
Objective: To write, focusing on critical analysis of literature including expository, analytical, and
argumentative essays as well as creative writing to sharpen understanding of writers’ accomplishments and
deepen appreciation of literary artistry.
Warm-Up: Read a Spenserian sonnet; compare with Shakespearean
Activities: Begin Hamlet
-Review elements of drama, tragic hero, plot pyramid
-Begin to analyze exposition of Hamlet for importance of character, setting, conflict
Upcoming Major Assessments: Poetry Analysis Essay (sonnet) on October 13
Materials: Pen/pencil, novel, course handouts
Follow Up/HW: Read Act I of Hamlet by October 15/16