Tuesday Monday Week of: 9/22-9/26 TLW: Identify and differentiate between internal and external forces that have shaped the earth. Describe analyze different forces of change and their impact on the earth. TLW: Interpret maps and diagrams to describe different landforms. Teacher: Edick Subject: PAP World Geography Objective: Unit 2.1: Earth’s Spheres Activities: 1. Warm-Up 2. Internal/ External Forces of Change Exhibit Activity 3. Graphic Organizer Assignment Materials: Interactive Binder/ Handouts Follow Up/HW: Unit 2 Quiz Wednesday/Thursday. CURRENT EVENT PROJECT DUE TOMORROW, TUESDAY 9/23 Objective: Unit 2.1 Landforms and Physical Processes Activities: 1. Warm-up 2. CURRENT EVENT DUE! 3. Landforms Activity Describe and locate different landforms Materials: Handouts, Notebook throughout the world. Follow Up/HW: Unit 2 Quiz Wednesday/Thursday. Friday Wednesday/Thursday TLW: Objective: Unit 2: Landforms/ Physical Processes Activities: Describe and locate 1. Warm-Up different landforms 2. Activity: Change Over Time throughout the world. 3. Unit 2.1 Quiz (Spheres, Forces of Change, Landforms) Materials: Use geographic Notebook, Handouts, vocabulary to Follow Up/HW: Finish Landforms Activity, describe the physical processes that create different land/water forms. TLW: Objective: District Assessment Show mastery of concepts from Unit (1st Six Weeks) Activities: 1. District Assessment (CBA) Materials: Handouts, Notebook Follow Up/HW: Have a great weekend!