Westside High School Lesson Plan Kindred Unit Name and #: Course: US History Dates: Monday Teacher Name: Unit 8: Constitutional Issues and Changes March 9-13, 2015 What are we learning? Daily Objective: I can identify how the National Park System, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Endangered Species Act were ways government takes a role in managing the environment. TEKS/AP/Standards: ⓈUSH.14B Identify the roles of governmental entities and private citizens in managing the environment such as the establishment of the National Park System, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Endangered Species Act How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1. Do Now: Describe a time you went camping or spent time at a state park. 2. Key Vocabulary: Students will define the National Park System, EPA, Endangered Species Act and Eminent Domain 3. Video Analysis- National Parks: Students will explain the benefits of the National Park system after viewing a brief video clip. 4. Quick Write: Students will respond to the following prompt “Do you believe the US government should take an active role in regulating environmental issues? Why or why not?” Tuesday How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Quick Write Checks for Understanding: Class Discussion What do I need to be successful? Materials: Laptop, notebook What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: UNIT 8 TEST ON FRIDAY What are we learning? Daily Objective: I can describe how the political scandals of Watergate and President Bill Clinton’s impeachment affected people’s trust in the federal government. TEKS/AP/Standards: ⓈUSH.19 C Describe the effects of political scandals, including Teapot Dome, Watergate, and Bill Clinton’s impeachment on the views of U.S. citizens concerning trust in the federal government and its leaders. How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1. Do Now: On a scale of 1-5 (1 being “I completely disagree”, 5 being “I completely agree”), rank your opinion on the following statement “The U.S. government protects its citizens”. Be prepared to defend your position. 2. Article Analysis- Presidential Scandals: Students will complete a read aloud on two articles that give an overview of the Watergate scandal and Clinton’s impeachment. 3. Video Analysis- Presidential Scandals: Students will answer analysis questions for three brief video clips that illustrate the scandals in the learning target. 4. Quick Write: Students will respond to the following prompt “How do political scandals impact American citizens?” Friday Wed/Thur How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Analysis Questions Checks for Understanding: Randomized Questioning What do I need to be successful? Materials: Laptops, video What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: UNIT 8 TEST ON FRIDAY What are we learning? Daily Objective: I can describe how the attacks of 9/11 and the Patriot Act represent ways the role of the federal government expanded. I can review for the Unit 8 Test. TEKS/AP/Standards: ⓇUSH.19B Explain constitutional issues raised by federal government policy changes during times of significant events, including World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, the 1960s and 9/11 How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1. Do Now: Which presidential scandal had the greatest impact on American history? Defend your answer. 2. Graphic Organizer- Government Policy Changes: Students will complete a graphic organizer on government policy changes throughout US History. 3. History Frame- 9/11: Students will complete a History Frame that explains the events that took place on September 11, 2001. 4. Review for Unit 8 Test: Students will participate in a class review activity to prepare for their exam on Friday How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Graphic organizer, history frame Checks for Understanding: Fist to Five What do I need to be successful? Materials: Laptop, notebook What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: UNIT 8 TEST ON FRIDAY What are we learning? Daily Objective: I can complete a multiple choice test on Unit 8. TEKS/AP/Standards: How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1. Do Now: Take out a pencil, put everything else away. 2. Unit 8 Test How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods: Unit 8 Test Checks for Understanding: What do I need to be successful? Materials: Tests, answer sheets What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: