Home Garden Project Guidelines

Home Garden Project Guidelines for Urban Agriculture 2013-14
This is a major grade due near the end of each six weeks.
Objective: students will understand, apply and evaluate the basic principles of growing plants, such as
fruits, vegetables and herbs, by caring for them in a home garden project.
The student will choose an appropriate site around the home to grow at least 3 edible plants such as
fruits, vegetables and/or herbs using organic gardening methods. Only one of the minimum 3 plants in
the project may be an herb. Organic garden methods are those that do not use pesticides, fertilizers or
other chemicals that are man-made, petroleum-based and/or artificial. The plants chosen should be
appropriate for the time of year (season).
The student will consult the resources provided in class to determine the varieties that grow in each
season. The appropriately-placed project will receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day, be
close to a water source as well as be located on a part of the property that is conveniently accessible so
that it can be easily monitored daily.
The student will either plant their projects in pots, at least 3 gallons in size, or in the ground, as
permitted by the parents and/or the particular property restrictions. We ask that students make
arrangements to acquire their own supplies and equipment (such as pots, soil, seeds, etc) for the
project. However, the school can assist students who have a financial hardship. The school will make
soil available to students, however, it is the responsibility of the student to determine how to transport
the soil to their home, including the provision of a bag or other receptacle to hold the soil. Additionally,
it is the student’s responsibility to acquire the seeds or plants that they want to grow from places such
as Home Depot, Lowe’s or local nurseries like Cornelius Nursery on Dairy-Ashford at I-10. We are
starting seedlings in class throughout the year and students can take them home to plant as a project.
Proof of Participation:
Student must provide photographic evidence each six weeks of their participation in the home garden
project which will include at least 4 photos: a close-up photo of each project (plant) as well as a photo of
all the plants together with the student in the picture. All photos need to be clear and taken so that the
observer can obviously see what is being grown. Emphasis of the photos should be placed on the edible
portion of the plant as it develops. Each photo must be inserted into a Microsoft power point slide and
labeled with the student’s name and the variety of plant on the slide so that the view can read it easily.
The slides then will be inserted into a power rpoint file (ppt.) and saved as one file that includes all of
the photos. This file will be emailed to the teacher’s gmail account, Lawrence.spence@gmail.com
**exception—during the 2nd six weeks, the photo of the project that includes the student must also
include a parent/guardian 
The due dates for the slides to be sent to the teacher are:
2nd six weeks—Wednesday, October 30th, 2013
3rd six weeks—Wednesday, December 4th, 2013
4th six weeks—Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
5th Six Weeks—Wednesday, March 26, 2014
6th six weeks—Wednesday, May 14th, 2014
Project Report:
Along with the power point file containing the photographs of the project, students will submit a report
in the email that includes:
 varieties of plants being grown
 date(s) planted
 identify the source of the plant material/seed
 describe the ideal planting conditions including soil type, water needs, sunlight needs, time of
year to plant, days until ready to harvest, size of plant
 describe any challenges, issues or solutions to problems you had to create for each plant
 describe any use of the plant for consumption
If you have any question or concerns, please contact Lawrence Spence at lspence@houstonisd.org
Please sign agreement, cut on the line and return to teacher by October 23rd, 2014
Student/Parent Agreement
I, _________________________________________________________ (print student name), have read
and understand the guidelines and requirements for the Home Garden Project and realize that it is a
major grade. I have informed my parents of this project and asked their permission to keep a home
garden project. I will submit my photos and my report to the teacher’s Gmail account in the format
requested each six weeks by the due date to my best ability. I will grow things that I want to eat and
share with my family. I will actually eat what I grow!! 
Student signature
Parent name (printed)
Parent phone number
Parent signature
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