Fall Final Exam Guidelines for Local Dish, Recipe Card, Invitation and Garden Tour Talking-Points

FALL FINAL EXAM—Urban Agriculture 2013-14 Mr. Spence
Urban Agriculture Research Project Final Proposal --A major grade and part of Fall Final, due Monday
December 9th, 2014
50% of fall final exam grade
See previously supplied guidelines for Final Research Proposal for details.
Locally-Sourced Dish—due the day of the final exam, Tuesday, December 17th at 7:45 AM. The dish will
be served to our guests that are attending our Fall Celebration event that day from 8:30 AM to 10:00
AM. If the dish requires heating, then it is helpful to bring a slow-cooker device if you have one. If not,
we may be able to accommodate, though, we have limited resources for heating. IF the dish needs to
be chilled, we can accommodate. Coordinate these needs through Jack Serna.
The dish is to be made by you with at least 75% locally-sourced AND organic ingredients (locally-sourced
means grown within the State of Texas). Must demonstrate evidence that dish is locally-sourced and
organic (receipts, photos, tags, etc). Ingredients may be used from our garden, your garden, the farmers’
market, or a grocer that stocks Texas-grown, organic varieties. Please do not use meat or seafood in
the dish as this presents an additional food-borne illness risk. Utilize vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains.
Stock made from meat is permitted (chicken or beef stock).
Make enough for 4 full servings. Bring your own serving utensils. Plates, bowls, cups, and eating
utensils will be provided by WHS Urban Ag.
Recipe card – this will include a title, a list of ingredients, indicating which ingredients are local and from
where they came, as well as directions on preparation. Make 5 copies of the recipe and have it to give
to our guests if they are interested. Rough draft due by Friday, December 13th.
25% of final exam grade
Personal written invitation to your dean, some other WHS faculty or staff that can attend our
celebration (like a coach or teacher who doesn’t have a 1st period final exam). To earn credit, show the
addressed invitation to Mr. Spence by Monday, December 9th, 2013.
10% of final exam grade
Garden Tour—on the day of final exam, be prepared to offer at least one guided tour of the urban
agriculture projects (indoor or out) to one of our guests…preferably the one that you invited.
On a note card, identify 5 topics or points of interest to discuss on the tour that are related to our
garden or the urban agriculture program. One of the topics must be your research project and how it
relates to this course. Another of the topics must be something that you really like about this course.
Include 3 details and/or facts about each topic that you can share with our guests.
15% of final exam grade
The rough draft is due on December 2nd and to be submitted on notebook paper. Once you have that
rough draft approved and returned to you, write this information on a note card to keep with you on the
day of the final. This note card is due Monday, December 9th.