Week of march 31-april 11 Subject: Individual Sports / Team sports Flag Football Objective: Students will demonstrate how to catch and throw a football using correct footwork and form Location: Aux gym Monday Activities: roll call Stretch Students will get into groups and throw the football and catch the football. Materials. footballs Tuesday Location: Aux Gym Objective: students will run pass routes will catching the football on the move. Students will be able to demonstrate a post and flag route. Activities: roll call Stretch 2 teams in a scrimmage Wednesday/Thursday Materials: footballs Location: Aux Gym Materials: Fitness equipment, Location: Aux Gym Friday Objective: Students will participate in fitness circuit activities. Activities: students will do stations of 8 min each of a cardio, strength , and flexibility stations. Follow Up/HW: Objective: students will demonstrate catching and throwing skills and running routes while participating in a game situation. Activities: Roll call stretch Teams in a scrimmage Materials: footballs, flags