Lesson Plans Unit 2

Stage 3 – Learning Plan
DIFFERENTIATION (I-3) There are several ways to individualize instruction for your students
How will I scaffold and/or accelerate learning? For whom? How will I group my students?
GROUP: (pre-teaching or re-teaching)
Learning Activities: (These can be attached 1 week at a time.)
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Learning Activities:
2.2 Find Slope and rate of change
Objective: SWBAT find the slopes from a graph and using a formula.
Warm Up: Go over Test Unit 1
Intro to New Material: Notes: 2.2 Find Slope and Rate of Change. Show examples p.
Formative Assessment: Students do problems with partner and teacher circulates as
needed for assistance.
Independent Practice: Students practice problems over finding slope and rate of change.
p. 86 # 3, 7, 18, 20 and Handout.
Closure and Assessment: Exit Ticket - Have students stand up and show with arms the
different types of slope. (positive, negative, zero, and undefined) - body aerobics.
Then students work on homework if they finish early
H.W. Finish 2.2 Independent Practice
2.3 Graph Equations of Lines
Objective: SWBAT graph linear equations written in standard form and slopeintercept form.
Warm Up: Students find slope and rate of change in a real-world scenario.
Formative Assessment: Go over Homework from section 2.2
Intro to New Material: Notes: 2.3 Graph Equations of Lines. Show examples p. 89–92.
Formative Assessment: Students do problems with partner and teacher circulates as
needed for assistance.
Independent Practice: Students practice problems over graphing equations of lines. 2.3
Closure and Assessment: Exit Ticket
2.4 Write Equations of Lines
Objective: SWBAT to use points and the slope to write an equation of a line in
different forms. (Standard and slope-intercept form)
Warm Up: Students will use the intercepts to graph a linear function.
Intro to New Material: Notes: 2.4 Write Equations of Lines. Show examples p. 98–101.
Formative Assessment: Students do problems with partner and teacher circulates as
needed for assistance.
Group Activity: Slide Game: Students line up with chairs with their partner. One
partner listens as their partner tells them what to write and how to do the problem. Then
Day 4:
Day 5:
one line slides down to get a new partner. Rolls reverse and one partner listens as the
other tells the person what to write and how to do the problem.
Independent Practice: Students practice problems over writing equations of lines in
slope-intercept form, point-slope form, and standard form. Handout 2.4
Closure and Assessment: Exit Ticket/Quiz
H.W. Finish 2.4 Independent Practice
2.8 Graph Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Objective: SWBAT graph linear inequalities written in standard form.
Warm Up: Write equations using point-slope, slope-intercept, and standard form.
Intro to New Material: Notes: 2.8 Graph linear inequalities in two variables. Create
Chart for Inequality Symbols
Show examples p. 132–135. **pay attention to horizontal and vertical lines also
Formative Assessment: Students do problems with partner and teacher circulates as
needed for assistance.
Independent Practice: Students practice problems over graphing linear inequalities in
two variables. 2.8 Handout
Closure and Assessment: Exit Ticket
Warm Up: Students work on various problems from the unit.
Formative Assessment: Students do problems with partner and teacher circulates as
needed for assistance.
Independent Practice: Students practice problems over the review in groups or with a
Closure and Assessment: Go over review questions with the whole class.
H.W. Study for Test tomorrow/Good Luck!!
Day 6:
Summative Assessment: Test # 2
2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.8