Assessment Committee Meeting Report for May 14, 2012 Attendees: Kelly Gray, Kate Peresie, Lynn Jones, Janny Nauman, Ellen Johnson, Cindy Freeman Kate called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION In General The Committee approved the 2011-12 accomplishments report. It is posted on the Committee’s web site. The Committee recommended resending the CLO changeover memo with the subject heading indicating “Action Needed” by Course Coordinators. Curriculum Process No replacement for Kate as Assessment/AQIP Coordinator has been named. The Assessment Committee (AC) discussed its possible role in the curriculum process as requested by Cindy Freeman as Chair of the Curriculum Committee (CC). (Cindy, Gina Kamwithi, and Dr. Reed are working on a curriculum manual.) For feedback/approval of learning outcomes for any course required to go through the process (new courses, changed courses), the Committee made the following observations/suggestions: o The purpose would be to improve the quality of course learning outcomes and their assessment (number, measurability, level). o The procedure might be: the faculty member submits the to-beapproved syllabus to the CC, it is then placed in a repository; CC notifies AC it is ready for review; AC reviews the learning outcomes and assessment methods then provides written suggestions/comments in an electronic format that are submitted back to the repository; the faculty member responds to the AC’s suggestions/comments – along with the CC’s suggestions/comments -- during his/her presentation to the CC. The faculty member should be able to see the AC’s suggestions/comments ahead of time -- optional. o This should be pilot-tested in the fall. For curriculum mapping: o The purpose would be to assure that new courses/changes to courses have a positive and not a negative impact on the attainment of program level learning outcomes and core learning outcomes in the various curricula. ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE TIMELINE Ask Gina to resend Kate This week Ask Robert Slabodnick if mapping is part of Institutional Review process Kate This week Ask Ellen to send curriculum map change form Kate This week Forward Robert’s and Ellen’s responses as well as this report to Cindy, Gina, Dr. Reed (and Committee) Kate This week or as soon as possible o Meetings AC is not excited about reviewing curriculum maps nor about requiring it of faculty. Some thoughts: Curriculum mapping might be an appropriate requirement for the institutional review process. (Perhaps already is a requirement?) The CC might ask it as a question: “How does this course change affect the attainment of program level learning outcomes and core learning outcomes for the curricula where it occurs?” (Or something like that.) It might be better to use a form of curriculum mapping that specifically addresses the change. (Ellen has something like that.) This was our last meeting of the year.