Outcomes to be Achieved by 2008 Top Five Outcomes Priority 1 2 Outcomes Include assessment in the budget process Publicize outcomes 3 All programs are participating in assessment 4 Faculty Involvement 5 Define/clarify the role of assessment Strategies Assessment committee submits budget proposal a. Include in catalog, FYE, brochures, syllabi, Web site. b. Create newsletter a. Deans/Directors advised by assessment committee on achievement of assessment time line, matrices, and audits. b. Presentation of same to CASS. a. Develop a system for faculty & staff training on assessment and learning. b. Develop a recognition, reward, and mentoring program. a. Continue professional development. b. Educate administration Measures Indicators a. Assessment line-item included in budget. b. Initiatives resulting from assessment activities are funded. a. Revise/edit publications, catalog, web site, syllabi as needed. b. Publish newsletter a. Line item increases. b. Assessment -driven changes are funded at an increasing rate. a. Program outcomes are clear and appropriate. b. Assessment proceeds according to the time line. c. Expectations and resources are clarified. Program audit includes cycles being repeated within time line parameters. a. Participation rate in assessment increases. b. Numbers participating in professional development activities increases. c. Training schedule/plan developed and implemented. d. Recognition and reward plan developed and implemented. e. Mentor program established and implemented. a. Professional development in assessment increases. b. Administration and board endorse Number of faculty involved in these programs increases over time. Measures are done a. Assessment committee becomes a standing committee. b .IT integrated in assessment committee and define processes. and board. c. Develop assessment flowchart. d. Clarify role of IT in assessment. assessment process. process. Other Outcomes Priority Outcomes Assess general education across the curriculum Student involvement Educating administration on the importance of assessment Decide yes or no on AQIP Strategies GenEd faculty work with program faculty to develop rubrics, etc., supported by the administration (deans, etc.). Feedback, focus groups, student input. Present to administration importance of assessment. a. Continue research. b. Develop consensus Administration buy-in as necessary. Measures Indicators a. Evidence of co-designed rubrics, guidelines, collaboration, and projects. b. Portfolios established as a GenEd assessment mechanism. a. Five-column model is completed by an increasing number of programs over time. b. At least one GenEd outcome included in each program list of outcomes. a. Curriculum change occurs. b. Transcript reflects core competencies. a. Student transcript addresses core competencies. b. Student input modifies curriculum (interpretation of results). a. Assessment is included in program review. b. Assessment is included in planning (strategic) process. c. Assessment budget line-item. Research presented to college community. Assessment influences program review. Decision made.