AQIP Report, October 7, 2004 Kick-off meetings for AQIP Application teams were held Monday, 09/27/04 in the morning and late afternoon. EOAS and team members were encouraged to drop in, share ideas, etc. Attendance was not taken.. At the meeting: Team memberships were updated. The 2004-05 AQIP Timeline/Deadlines was shared. The application deadline is 01/03/05. This enables us to attend the May 05 Strategy Forum, assuming we are accepted by AQIP. Institutional self-asssessment has to occur before our application is approved. Using AQIP Examiner for our institutional self-assessment, if we meet Examiner’s criteria, was discussed. It was suggested that the survey be administered 11/22. Strategies for a high level of participation in the survey by all employees include e-mails, mailbox inserts, scheduled computer lab times for people needing assistance with an online survey. It was suggest that Bill Miller be asked to lead the team for questions 4 & 5. Bill Miller agreed to lead the team for questions 4 & 5. A meeting was held 10/07/04. In attendance were Diane Hipsher, Bill Miller, Wendy Vogel, Margaret Puckett, Terry Coleman, Katie Danielson, and Kate Peresie. At the meeting: The mini-retreat for the AQIP Application Teams and the EOAS, scheduled for Friday, November 12th, 12 - 4:00, was discussed. The various teams are to bring draft versions of their responses to the AQIP Application questions. At the retreat, we will be reading each others’ responses and providing constructive input to the responses. Team members reported on plans, strategies and progress for their reports. The 2004-05 AQIP Timeline/Deadline was shared. The group discussed the institutional self-assessment process. AQIP Examiner seems a good choice – relatively simple, inexpensive, correlates with AQIP requirements, provides feedback on our knowledge of continuous improvement processes. (OAE application process is considerably more involved.) Kate is awaiting confirmation from AQIP that Examiner is acceptable for us to use since the length of time since our last comprehensive evaluation might be an issue. Results from Examiner must be “digested” with the aid of an outside consultant who would guide us in selecting potential Action Projects (for the Strategy Forum) and in continuous improvement processes. Possible sources for an outside consultant knowledgeable in continuous improvement are: Dana Corporation, division in Fredericktown, received the OAE Governor’s Award for 2004; Mike Anderson, Ashland City Schools, leader of their Baldrige-based program (Ashland City OAE level 3 in 2004); Dennis Urso and Kristen Kask, consultants who worked with Washington State Community College in continuous improvement and AQIP processes. The group determined that the preferred consultant would have higher-ed and AQIP experience. Bill volunteered to call Zane Community College, new to AQIP to ask about their processes and who they used for a consultant. Kate will call Kristen Kask to see if she would be interested in meeting with us. Team leaders and team members: o Bob Zetter’s team: Steve Williams, Dale Doty o Brad McCormack’s team: Brian Baldridge, Troy Shutler o Margaret Puckett’s team: Lew Milner, Teri Kofod, Sandra Luckie o Katie Danielson’s team: Carol Easley, Peg Moir o Keith Stoner’s team: Bruce Sliney, Crystal Escalara, Mary Rodriguez o Terry Coleman’s team: Diane Hipsher o Betty Well’s team: Dale Doty o Bill Miller’s team: Wendy Vogel o Doug Hanuscin’s team: Penny Snyder, Rose Hughes, Brooke Henwood o Pete Grant’s team: Mark Monnes o Jim Olives’ team: Sharon Miller, Phil Martin, Kim Lybarger o Kate Peresie’s team: EOAS, though they don’t know it