AQIP Steering Committee Meeting Report for June 21, 2005 Attendees: J. Hull, Dr. Abrams, C. Easley, D. Hipsher, P. Moir, M. Puckett, B. Walker, K. Peresie. Guest – Beth Price TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE Data Sources/ Mary Rodriquez is to be added to “Graduate Surveys”. Beth Noel-Levitz Bev Walker Experts Franz declined to be Noel-Levitz expert. Bev Walker will present instead. TIME LINE July 6 Achieving the NC State not selected as a site for Achieving the Dream. Dream Discussion followed. Decided it should remain as a Project Area. Funding alternatives discussed. Pursue our own funding for Achieving the Dream. Committee Ongoing Campus Survey Outcome of survey was discussed. Bring pages on assessing and comparing in the Campus Quality Survey to the next meeting. Dr. Abrams June 22 Ron Abrams distributed the BOT Goals. Discussion followed regarding goals and what project area they affected…Achieving the Dream, Assessment, Strategic Planning, and Mission and Vision. The President’s Cabinet will be reactivated this Fall and part of their charge will be to put detail to strategic plan and the Board’s 7 goals. Update matrix. Kate July Kate Peresie presented a summary/interpretation report on the AQIP Examiner Feedback Report. Examiner results indicate a need for better measurement and evaluation of our processes and improvement in the area of leading and communicating. The results support the project areas of Assessment, Mission and Vision, and Strategic Planning. Beth Price discussed CDC and efforts to assess student-parents and student-learners. The process has been developed but there is no data as yet. When data becomes available, it will provide information relative to the project areas of Achieving Find out how many employees who answered questions and breakdown in each category from HR. Kate Peresie June 28 Update matrix. Kate July Update matrix. Kate July DATA MINING: EXPERTS’ REPORTS BOT Strategic Direction Examiner Program Review/ Accreditation Reports the Dream; Assessment; and Recruitment and Retention. CDC needs – more room for infant care, classroom lab. Carol Easley discussed the Internal Program Review Process that is being piloted this year. When data becomes available, it will provide information relative to the project areas Assessment; Technology in the Classroom; and Mission & Vision. Jim Hull discussed the Physical Therapy Program accreditation process. Data/information required for accreditation supports the project areas of Assessment; Achieving the Dream; Restructuring Recruitment & Retention; and Mission and Vision.