The Action Project Commitment Declaration Institution: North Central State College Planned project kickoff date: May 12, 2006 Target project completion date: June 2007 Actual project completion date: A. Give this Action Project a short title in 10 words or fewer. Improving Student Success in Developmental Education B. Describe this Action Project’s goal in 100 words or fewer. The goal of this project is to improve student success in developmental education by: a) Defining “success;” b) Identifying through data analysis the subgroups of students who are least likely to succeed; c) Analyzing root causes of failures through qualitative and quantitative research; d) Selecting strategies for improvement; e) Implementing the strategies; f) Measuring the impact; and g) Planning improvements in the strategies. Steps “a” through “d” were completed by end of March 2006. The strategies selected were to strengthen the college advising system and to improve curriculum and instruction as they relate to developmental education. C. Identify the single AQIP Category that this Action Project will most affect or impact. Helping Students Learn. D. Describe briefly your institution’s reasons for taking on this Action Project now — why the project and its goals are high among your current priorities. NC State has embarked on the national Achieving the Dream initiative for improving student success, particularly for students of low income and students of color. The initiative is of the highest priority for the College. This action project will be part of that initiative. E. List the organizational areas — institutional departments, programs, divisions, or units — most affected by or involved in this Action Project. This action project involves the faculty who teach developmental education courses, the Dean of Arts and Sciences whose division houses these courses, advisors and admissions recruiters in the Student Success Center and Admissions, faculty advisors of students who enroll in these courses, the Curriculum Committee, the Institutional Research and Institutional Technology Departments, the Budget Committee, and the administrators of the College. F. Name and describe briefly the key organizational process(es) that you expect this Action Project to change or improve. Key processes that this action project will change/improve are processes for the use/access of institutional (student success) data, project management processes, advising processes, processes for professional development and evaluation, and instructional processes. G. Explain the rationale for the length of time planned for this Action Project (from kickoff to target completion). The timeline for this project is dictated by the timeline for the Achieving the Dream initiative. The College is obligated to provide an annual report on this project to the initiative sponsors (Lumina Foundation, Knowledge Works, American Association of Community Colleges, other partners) in Spring, 2007. This timeline also allows one academic year to implement and measure the effect of strategies for improving student success in developmental education. H. Describe how you plan to monitor how successfully your efforts on this Action Project are progressing. The team for this project, the Developmental Education Team, reports to both the AQIP Steering Committee and to the Achieving the Dream Core Team. Three year work plans have been established for both strategies of the project (although this project will be completed as an AQIP Action Project in June 2007). The work plans identify action steps and lead staff persons. I. Describe the overall “outcome” measures or indicators that will tell you whether this Action Project has been a success or failure in achieving its goals. Measurable changes: Success rates in developmental math courses will increase by 4% each year for FY07, FY08, FY09 and FY10. Success rates in RDG and WRT courses will increase by 3% each year for FY07, FY08, FY09 and FY10. Developmental students reporting positive advising experiences on CCSSE surveys and final focus groups will increase by 10%, including a 15% subgroup increase. Early alert referrals for students in developmental courses will increase by at least 8%. Success rates for developmental students progressing into college-level gatekeeper English or math will increase by 4%, including 8% for the subgroups. J. Other information (e.g., publicity, sponsor or champion, external partners, etc.) Achieving the Dream Core Team Leader – Peg Moir, Chief Student Services Officer, North Central State College Achieving the Dream Initiative Sponsors and Partners - Achieving the Dream at NC State -- K. Project Leader and contact person (First Name, Middle Initial, Last name, Title, Email, Telephone) Terry Coleman, Dean of Arts and Sciences,, 419-755-4740