North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 Based on the President’s Initiatives for FY2007 and FY2008, approved by the Board in January, 2007 1 – Enrollment Development: NC State will develop planning enhancing the educational pipeline (marketing and recruitment), enrollment projections and financial aid. Coordinator: Betty Wells PAC Reporter: Teri Kofod Task Person(s) Completion Number Responsible Task Statement Expected IR, IA, Sept 07 1-07a Design an environment that promotes staff retention, Admissions, professional growth, data inquiry, technical competency, and Ongoing Student Services innovative thinking. Deans, Chrs, Fac See Subtasks 1-07b Create an image of North Central State College as the below college of choice in the north central Ohio region and surrounding areas. 1-07b.1 PR, IA Re-establish brand through implementing “Redefine Smart” Aug/Sept 07-09 promotional campaign (Smart is Sacrifice, Resilient, Passionate) using media venues that include outdoor, transit, print, broadcast for 36 months 1-07b.2 Enrollment Devel Develop a coordinating and unifying effort among the campus Aug/Sept 07-09 Steering Com. community and region to promote college enrollment via marketing and recruiting strategies Enrollment Devel Implement creative, responsive and innovative recruitment Jan 09 1-07c Team & Encore strategies by maximizing technological and human Implemen. Team resources. See Subtasks 1-07d Increase enrollment at North Central State College for below FY07-08 to minimum of 6% increase as represented by: target headcount 3360 students; target FTE 657; target credit hours 29,571; target average credit hours/student 9; and, target application yield to 50% conversion by Fall 08, 1 Status North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 1-07d.1 Enrollment Development Steering Committee 1-07d.2 Enrollment Development Steering Committee & Admissions 1-07d.3 Webmaster and Marketing 1-07e See Subtasks below 1-07e.1 Retention, Recruitment and Program Devel Subcommittees 1-07e.2 Retention, Recruitment and Program Devel Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 through emphasis on accessibility of quality of programs. Develop and maintain a model for annually projecting credit enrollment by student segment and incorporate into the budget development process. As measured by: Targets developed in advance of the annual planning and budget development process. Build effective relationships with prospective and currently enrolled students through an integrated communications process that establishes and maintains dialogue with each individual using flexible, information-rich database of student information to determine timely message and monitor response to influence college/program choice, readiness, and persistence. Re-design website to incorporate eMarketing and create an attractive, user-friendly web site with easy navigation, useful and timely information balanced with several layers of functionality for users of the site to streamline data gathering, student information, faculty tasks and access through internet and intranet. Attract students through targeted marketing efforts to support and build enrollment in new and established academic and continuing education programs. Analyze retention data and recommend policies, procedures and programs to improve overall retention of students. Manage integrated communication strategies and tactics that are based on data to ensure that College-wide recruitment efforts effectively support the priorities of NC State with respect to new and current programs. Match program offerings to desires of incoming students. Match program offerings to needs of regional business and manufacturers for developing a well-equipped workforce. 2 Fall of each year Aug/Sep 07-09 Ongoing Aug/Sept 07-09 Ongoing Aug/Sept 07-09 Ongoing Aug/Sept 07-09 Ongoing North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 1-07e.3 1-07e.4 1-07e.5 Subcommittees DL Steering Committee Retention, Recruitment and Program Devel Subcommittees Retention, Recruitment and Program Devel Subcommittees Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 Ensure viability of programs. Increase the quantity, quality and efficiency of distance learning asynchronous programs offered by the College. Develop strategies to effectively matriculate special populations such as PSEOP, Tech Prep, Dual Enrollment and recent high school graduates into NC State enrollments in degree and certificate programs and in compliance with Carl D. Perkins mandated corrective action plan for increased post-secondary enrollment of recent high school completers. Develop strategies to effectively attract students by gender into non-traditional career programs (e.g. women in IT, engineering; men in health) 3 July 2009 Aug/Sept 07-09 Ongoing Aug/Sept 07-09 Ongoing North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 2 – Achieving the Dream: NC State will continue with planning to improve student persistence by helping to foster success at the developmental and college-level “gatekeeper” courses (high enrollment, high failure rate courses). Special focus is given to underserved populations. Coordinator: Peg Moir PAC Reporter: Mark Monnes Task Person(s) Completion Number Responsible Task Statement Expected Status 2-07a 2-07a.1 B. Cyders & B. Walker T. Nichols B. Walker B. Walker, SSC M. Puckett B. Walker M. Puckett B. Walker B. Walker B. Walker B. Walker Improve student success in developmental education. Strengthen the college advising system in relation to developmental courses Implement mandatory assessment and placement for mathematics courses. Prepare study guides (basic skills sheets) and other tutorial materials for each of the developmental math courses to be used with COMPASS assessment. Utilize COMPASS mathematics diagnostics tool Require FYE161 for every student taking one or more developmental mathematics, reading or writing courses. Require FYE161 for every student taking one or more developmental mathematics, reading or writing courses. Expand the DIRECTIONS advising program to include every student testing into any developmental mathematics, reading or writing course(s). Utilize the Noel-Levitz College Student Inventory with every student taking one or more developmental courses. Student Success Center advisors will share information with students about the number and frequency of NCSC students starting in developmental work in an effort to reduce the stigma and increase acceptance by students. 4 Complete In place In place; now being revised In place In place In place In place In place In place North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 R. Birk B. Cyders 2-07a.2 Create protocols in each developmental course for triggering the Early Alert process. Developmental Reading and Writing and FYE Developmental mathematics Completed In process Improve curriculum and instruction for developmental courses B. Cyders Mathematics faculty B. Cyders Mathematics faculty R. Birk J. Karbula B.Cyders T. Coleman Data Team R. Birk B. Cyders R. Birk B. Walker R. Birk S. Luckie Mostly Complete Add a computer enhanced tutorial to each of the developmental math classes In place; being redesigned Convert MTH100, 102 & 103 from lecture format to lecture/lab combination. In place, being redesigned Utilize PLATO software to enhance developmental curriculum and instructional methods as appropriate. In place; progress continues Analyze student success rates in Plato-enhanced courses and compare to success rates in other sections of the same course taught in the traditional fashion Research and develop standard protocol to trigger mandatory, one-on-one tutoring in developmental writing classes. Based on protocol, implement mandatory tutoring for writing. Convert RDG115 from a 3-credit, 3 contact hour course to a 1credit, 2-contact hour lab course that will be taken concurrently with RDG116. Implement a tutor training program for developmental reading, By 9-1-07 5 In place In place In place North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 B. Cyders Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 writing, and mathematics tutors Provide training to FYE instructors on best practice techniques for success courses. Explore modularized developmental mathematics credits B. Cyders Provide additional Plato lab coverage for dev. math support. B. Walker M. Puckett 2-07b 2-07b.1 ENG101 M. Allen ENG101 M.Allen ENG101 M.Allen BIO145 L. Milner J. Taylor B. Walker BIO145 L. Milner J. Taylor B. Walker BIO145 L. Milner J. Taylor Data Team Improve student success in gatekeeper courses. Strengthen the college advising system in relation to gatekeeper courses Research COMPASS e-Write tool for possible pilot in Winter or Spring 08 Develop early alert protocol for ENG101 Based on early alert protocol, require tutoring/supplemental instruction New students will be advised not to take BIO145 in conjunction with a developmental course. BIO 110 or another science will be recommended. Use faculty assessment of course to develop informational guide for advisors to share with students. Make this tool available on web as well. In place; will be ongoing First draft completed; ongoing Fall 07 Fall 2007 May – August 2007 Implement for Fall 07 Implement for Fall 07 Beginning for Summer 07 For Fall 07 Collect additional data on the success rates of students who enter Ongoing course after first class session. If data supports, propose “section changes only” approach to late registration. 6 North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 2-07b.2 Improve curriculum and instruction for gatekeeper courses English Dept. faculty will tutor minimum of 1 hour per week each, with goal of 10 hours week total being provided by the department. Spring 2008 Implement for Fall 07 CRJ145 A. Vinson ENG101 added as a co-requisite to CRJ145 and to other first year courses of CRJ160, CRJ175, CRJ185, CRJ113, and CRJ140 BIO145 L. Milner J. Taylor BIO145 L. Milner J. Taylor BIO145 L. Milner J. Taylor Audio of in-class lectures available on instructor website Approved by Curriculum Comm. In place for 0708 During 07-08 academic year ENG101 M.Allen 2-07c 2-07c.1 Core Team Business Svcs Core & Data Teams Digital images of lab models and specimens available at instructor website During 07-08 academic year Explore a recommended learning activity for students with whole-to-part learning styles. During 07-08 academic year Improve student persistence rates. Increase access to and use of financial aid Planning cycle in FY08 with implementation in FY09. FY08 FY08 Collect and analyze data from stakeholders 7 FY08 North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 2-07c.2 Advising team: T. Bushner T. Coleman K. Peresie B. Walker Same as above Advising team Same as above Same as above Prendergast 2-07c.3 Core Team Core Team Prendergast Core Team Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 Strengthen the college advising system Examine the current advising structure at the college Fall 2007 In process Research promising advising models and select a new model for NC State College. Attend NACADA (National Academic Advising Association) annual conference (2 members of Advising team), Present a written proposal for new advising model to appropriate college entities (Faculty Caucus, MAC, President’s Staff, Deans Plus, etc.) Present a written proposal for new advising model to the AQIP Steering Committee for consideration as an AQIP Action Project. Administer Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) in FY08 May 07 to October 07 October 18-21 2007 November 07 Improve curriculum and instruction Share information gained from data analysis and student focus groups with all faculty. Spring 2008 Fall Convo Sept. 07 Establish a protocol and accompanying resource and support structure for any faculty member who wishes to use data to appropriately improve curriculum and instruction Administer Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) in FY08 Send 4-5 representatives to AtD Strategy Forum Ongoing 8 November 07 Winter or Spring 08 Winter or Spring 08 January 2008 North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 3 – Workforce/Economic Development: NC State will collaborate with economic development and workforce partners within its service area to develop a regional strategic plan aligning workforce/economic development. Coordinator: Don Plotts PAC Reporter: Brad McCormack Task Person(s) Completion Number Responsible Task Statement Expected Status 3-07a Don Plotts Develop and facilitate a collaboration of healthcare providers February 2008 Development Jim Hull and training partners in North Central Ohio to promote regional Stages economic and workforce development. 3-07b Ben Roundtree Partner with local businesses and local workforce and June 2008 Start in educational organizations to develop appropriate training and May, 2007 academic curricula. 3-07c Tom Prendergast Establish access to state-of-the-art labor market information Ongoing Start in tools. March, 2007 3-07d Don Plotts Assist in ensuring career pathways for disadvantaged June 2008 Grants will Tom Prendergast populations, by using one or more of the following methods: be written 1. Creating bridge programs between developmental and credit-bearing programs (Achieving the Dream) 2. developing internal career pathways leading to certification and college degrees 3. expanding support services 4. integrating academic and vocations educational education 5. integrating administrative structures 6. using college resources more effectively. 9 North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 4 – Core Learning Outcomes: NC State will identify, implement and measure core learning outcomes expected of all graduates regardless of academic program. Coordinator: Therese Bushner PAC Reporter: Terry Coleman Task Person(s) Completion Number Responsible Task Statement Expected Status Spring, 2007 Completed 4-07a Determine what Core Learning Outcomes are appropriate for NCSC students Spring, 2007 Completed 4-07b Define guidelines for each Core Learning Outcome. 4-07c Assess that these outcomes have been met by NCSC students by graduation. 4-07c.1 Kate Peresie Culture and Community – to collect data via Graduate Survey annually; to administer and evaluate student essays each quarter in last humanities/social sciences course, to be done biennially; to use CCSSE survey biennially. Pilot Project for 07/08: To develop questions for Graduate Survey, to develop essay questions/format/process, to train faculty, to administer essay (pilot) in Spring 08, to evaluate process and prepare for Fall 08 implementation. 4-07c.2 Kate Peresie Computer Literacy – to administer a standardized test in capstone courses biennially; to use CCSSE survey biennially. Pilot Project for 07/08: To customize the interactive assessment tool available from First Advantage Assessment Solutions, to pilot the test in Spring 08. 10 North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 5 – Health & Public Services Division: Enhancement of Health Care Education Coordinator: Jim Hull PAC Reporter: Joyce Hunt Task Person(s) Number Responsible Task Statement Jim Hull 5-07a Develop and implement processes in all Health & Public Services programs that accept students within one year of meeting minimum admission standards. 5-07a.1 Meet with NC State Administration, Allied Health and Nursing Programs to develop possible short and long term strategies to meet the needs of health care providers for regions health care industries. 5-07a.2 Review strategies and develop presentation for health care industries focus groups. 5-07a.3 Meet with focus groups from the following health care industries; acute care, ambulatory care, skilled nursing care, home health care, physicians, career centers, and four year institutions, to initiate dialogue on their needs and possible solutions. 5-07a.4 Meet with NC State Administration, Allied Health and Nursing Programs to review focus groups information and possible solutions to their needs. Develop a plan for meeting the needs of the regions health care industries. 5-07a.5 Meet with all focus groups to present a plan for meeting the needs of their health care facilities with specific timelines and commitments. 5-07a.6 Meet with focus groups to approve and commit to the plan. 5-07a.7 Meet with NC State Administration, Allied Health, and Nursing Programs to initiate the plan. 11 Completion Expected May 2007 May 2007 June/July 2007 August, 2007 Sept/Oct 2007 Nov/Dec 2007 January 2008 Status North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 5-07a.8 5-07b Jim Hull 5-07b.1 5-07b.2 5-07b.3 5-07b.4 5-07b.5 5-07b.6 5-07b.7 5-07c 5-07c.1 5-07c.2 5-07c.3 Jim Hull Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 Complete quarterly assessment of plan completion and make necessary revisions. Expand the Associate Degree programs in Health and Public Service to initially include; Associates of Health and Public Services, and Associates of Occupational Therapy Assistant. Proposal sent to Ohio Board of Regents (OBR) for the Associates of Health/Services Technology. Proposal from the Occupational Therapy Assistant Professional Advisory board on starting Associates of Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA). Proposal sent to OBR for the Associates of OTA Administrative meetings completed on organizational structure for the new Associates of Health and Public Services and OTA Interview and employ new faculty and staff for the new Associate programs. Initiate new programs for Associate of Health and Public Services Initiate new program for Associate of OTA. Expand noncredit courses in Health & Public Services division that enhances the professional’s ability to meet special certifications within their scope of practice and meets Ohio requirements for renewal of license or certificates. Develop list of courses that can be presented as non-credit that meet the need of the community served. Develop for each non –credit course a brief description of course, the objectives of course, the course outline by days and times, brief resume’ of faculty member for the course, and cost of course per person. Work with marketing department to advertise in all mediums with one sign up location for all courses. 12 October 2008 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 August 2007 Sept 2007 January 2008 April 2007 July 2007 Sept 2007 North Central State College Strategic Initiatives – 2007 5-07c.4 Task Statements as of May 31, 2007 Assessment survey format set up to evaluate the course content, objectives and presenter. Assessment review to be completed upon completion of each course presentation with semiannual update of course. 13 Sept 2007