Assessment criteria [DOCX 16.34KB]

General assessment Criteria - School Of Life Sciences - I
Class Short answer
Essay answer (citation/referencing
not required in exam)
Succinct and precise. Full
Full answer.
Clear answer but lacking in
detail. No irrelevant material
Satisfactory answer. Lacks
detail and may include small
proportion of irrelevant
information or errors.
An outstanding answer well written,
logical and critical. Shows originality,
flair and a full understanding of the
subject. Clear, relevant and consistent
use of citation/referencing. Excellent
sources and validation of ideas and
An excellent account showing
appreciation of all the main points.
Well written critical and logical. Shows
a full understanding of the subject.
Clear, relevant and consistent use of
citation/referencing. Excellent sources
and validation of ideas and
Comprehensive answer. Clear,
logical and accurate. Well structured
showing a good grasp of the subject
and an ability to think around it
effectively. Clear, relevant and mostly
accurate citation and referencing
Satisfactory answer with few errors
and omissions, but limited in scope
and argument. Or, may be a very
good answer to a closely related or
simpler question. Shows sound
understanding of the subject. Possible
minor inconsistencies and
inaccuracies in citation and
Practical report - note student must
also have attend the relevant
laboratory session
(where referencing is required use
essay criteria)
An outstanding report. Succinct,
precise, numerically accurate where
relevant. A clear understanding of the
principles demonstrated.
A full report. Succinct, precise,
numerically accurate where relevant.
A clear understanding of the
principles demonstrated.
A good report. Succinct, precise,
numerically accurate where relevant.
May omit small amount of detail.
Satisfactory report. Significant detail
omitted or analysis may contain
Limited answer, with only some
correct points included. Could
also include irrelevant
information or errors.
A limited answer to only part of
the question. Or could contain
substantial irrelevancies or
Inadequate answer, for
example only some appropriate
key words provided. Or could
contain substantial
irrelevancies or errors.
Inadequate answer, for
example a key word may be
present relating to part of the
question. Or could contain
substantial irrelevancies or
An answer with basic merit, shows
reasonable understanding of the
subject, but could include irrelevant
material, errors or omissions.
Alternatively, a well presented essay
but only showing a limited
understanding of the subject material
but may be a good answer to a related
or simpler question. Some attempt at
using citation and referencing but
significant inconsistencies and errors.
Brief account revealing only a limited
understanding of subject. Could
include irrelevant material, errors or
omissions. No serious attempt to
cite/reference. Or major inaccuracies
and omissions in citation and
referencing detail and style.
Inadequate answer. Includes points
relating to only part of the question.
Shows limited understanding of the
subject. No serious attempt to
cite/reference. Or major inaccuracies
and omissions in citation and
referencing detail and style
Answer contains mostly irrelevant
information. Shows little
understanding of the subject. No
serious attempt to cite/reference. Or
major inaccuracies and omissions in
citation and referencing detail and
For note: Citations and referencing is required in coursework but not examinations
Basic report. It may be brief and
lacking in detail or alternately have
substantial analytical errors.
Report may address only part of the
practical tasks or contain substantial
Reports may address only part of the
practical tasks and contain substantial
Report contains mostly irrelevant
information. Shows little
understanding of the subject or
analytical skills.
General assessment Criteria - School Of Life Sciences – II
Class Oral presentation
An outstanding, balanced, well-timed,
clearly presented talk, showing
extensive preparation and an excellent
ability to explain the research. Accurate
and perceptive answers to questions
demonstrating excellent knowledge and
engagement with the topic.
A thorough, complete, well-timed, very
well presented talk showing good
preparation and a good ability to
explain the research. Correct and
detailed answers to questions
demonstrating good knowledge of the
A good, relevant, well-timed and clear
presentation with appropriate
explanations. Correct but not extensive
answers to questions.
Project report - research
Outstanding report showing initiative,
originality, independence and
thoughtfulness. Evidence of
significant body of research
undertaken and independent thought
and reasoning. Presentation of data
presented at standard acceptable for
publication in a research journal.
Clear, relevant and consistent use of
citation/referencing. Excellent
sources and validation of ideas and
Project report- literature
An outstanding report showing
initiative, originality,
independence and
thoughtfulness. Evidence of
significant body of research
undertaken and independent
thought and reasoning.
Review of a standard
acceptable for publication in a
research journal. Clear,
relevant and consistent use of
citation/referencing. Excellent
sources and validation of ideas
and information.
An excellent report showing
An excellent report showing
originality, independence and
originality, independence and
thoughtfulness. Evidence of
thoughtfulness. Evidence of
significant body of research
significant body of research
undertaken. Presentation of data at
undertaken. Review of a
standard acceptable for publication in standard acceptable for
a research journal. Clear, relevant
publication in a research
and consistent use of
journal. Clear, relevant and
citation/referencing. Excellent
consistent use of
sources and validation of ideas and
citation/referencing. Excellent
sources and validation of ideas
and information.
A very good report. Research written A very good report. Evidence
up with clarity. Evidence of significant of significant body of research
body of research undertaken.
undertaken. Review of a
Presentation of data at standard
standard acceptable for
acceptable for publication in a
publication in a research
research journal. Clear, relevant and journal. Clear, relevant and
mostly accurate citation and
mostly accurate citation and
A good, adequately-timed and
presented talk, with appropriate
explanations for the most-part. Mostly
accurate but some incomplete or
confused answers to questions
demonstrating some incomplete
Good Report. Organized well but
may not demonstrate a full
understanding of subject or
alternately presentation of data may
fall short of publication standard.
Possible minor inconsistencies and
inaccuracies in citation and
An adequate presentation that may be
too short or extensively lengthy, lacking
some clarity and explanations. Brief
and incomplete answers to questions
demonstrating incomplete knowledge.
Adequate report however shows only
a basic understanding of the
question or only a limited body of
research undertaken. Some attempt
at using citation and referencing but
significant inconsistencies and
An incomplete, poorly prepared
presentation that may be too short or
extensively lengthy, only covering
some of the main points and lacking
detail. Poor and confused answers to
questions demonstrating a lack of
Inadequate report, only a basic
understanding of the question shown
and a limited body of research
undertaken. No serious attempt to
cite/reference. Or major inaccuracies
and omissions in citation and
referencing detail and style
An inadequate presentation with poor
delivery demonstrating a lack of
preparation and poor relevant
knowledge of the topic. Little ability to
answer questions.
Inadequate report, presentation style
poor and only a basic understanding
of the question shown with a
severely limited body of research
undertaken. No serious attempt to
cite/reference. Or major inaccuracies
and omissions in citation and
referencing detail and style
Good Report. Organized well
but may not demonstrate a full
understanding of subject or
alternately analysis of data
may fall short of publication
standard. Possible minor
inconsistencies and
inaccuracies in citation and
Adequate report however
shows only a basic
understanding of the question
or only a limited body of
research undertaken. Some
attempt at using citation and
referencing but significant
inconsistencies and errors.
Inadequate report, only a basic
understanding of the question
shown and a limited body of
research undertaken. No
serious attempt to
cite/reference. Or major
inaccuracies and omissions in
citation and referencing detail
and style
Inadequate report, presentation
style poor and only a basic
understanding of the question
shown with a severely limited
body of research undertaken.
No serious attempt to
cite/reference. Or major
inaccuracies and omissions in
citation and referencing detail
and style
A totally inadequate presentation
demonstrating little evidence of
preparation or relevant knowledge of
the topic. Inability to answer questions.
Inadequate report, presentation style
extremely poor and only a basic
understanding of the question shown
with little research undertaken. No
serious attempt to cite/reference. Or
major inaccuracies and omissions in
citation and referencing detail and
October 2009
Inadequate report, presentation
style extremely poor and only a
basic understanding of the
question shown with little
research undertaken. No
serious attempt to
cite/reference. Or major
inaccuracies and omissions in
citation and referencing detail
and style