Expanded / Continued Access Procedures for Central IRB PROCEDURE: Preliminary steps: 1. Researcher must notify the IRB-HSR of the central IRB which will be utilized for the expanded access protocol. 2. If the central IRB to be used is not already on the IRB-HSR FWA, The FWA will need to be amended 3. Researcher obtains signatures from appropriate personnel at UVA and the central IRB on the IRB Authorization Agreement ( see Appendix C) This form should be kept by the PI and the central IRB. A copy should be sent to the IRB-HSR with the application. 4. The researcher should contact the School of Medicine /Grants and Contracts office to determine needs. New Approval (If protocol does NOT fall under the authority of the Cancer Center) 1. Researcher completes the central IRB Submission Form. 2. Simultaneously, a protocol information form (Appendix B) is sent to the IRBHSR. The IRB-HSR office will confirm current training and send back a training certificate. 3. All documents are reviewed by the PI. 4. Documents are submitted to the central IRB by the study team 5. Once the central IRB has approved the protocol, the following documents will be submitted to the IRB-HSR within 5 working days: Central IRB Submission Form Sponsor’s protocol Approved consent form UVA HIPAA Stand-alone Authorization IRB-HSR/Central IRB Investigator Agreement (Appendix A) Documentation of any local committee approvals required (e.g. Radiation Safety Committee, Institutional Biosafety Committee, GCRC) Documentation of central IRB approval IRB Authorization Agreement ( Appendix C) 6. An administrative review by IRB-HSR staff is completed. IRB-HSR staff will verify all documents are in order and approvals from all other applicable committees have been received. (Appendix B) 7. Documentation of all subsequent approvals from central IRB is to be submitted to IRB-HSR within 5 working days of receipt. New Approval (If protocol falls under the authority of the Cancer Center) 1. The Principal Investigator notifies the Cancer Center IRB Coordinator/Study Coordinator of the name of the Expanded Access Trial he/she wishes to open. 2. The researcher completes the central IRB Submission Form and the consent form using the sponsor's template 3. Simultaneously, a protocol information form (Appendix B) is sent to the IRBHSR. The IRB-HSR office will confirm current training and send back a training certificate. 4. All documents are reviewed by the PI. 5. Documents are submitted to the central IRB by the study team 6. Once the central IRB has approved the protocol, the following documents will be submitted to the IRB-HSR within 5 working days: central IRB Submission Form Sponsor’s protocol Approved consent form UVA HIPAA Stand-alone Authorization IRB-HSR/central IRB Investigator Agreement (Appendix A) PRC application form (Appendix C) Documentation of any local committee approvals required (e.g. Radiation Safety Committee, Institutional Biosafety Committee, GCRC) Documentation of central IRB approval IRB Authorization Agreement ( Appendix C) 7. IRB-HSR staff add a IRB-HSR # to the PRC Application Form and forward it to the PRC office. 8. An administrative review by IRB-HSR staff is completed. IRB-HSR staff verify all documents are in order and approvals from all other applicable committees have been received. (Appendix B) 9. Documentation of all subsequent approvals from the central IRB are to be submitted to IRB-HSR within 5 working days of receipt. Continuations 1. Upon receipt of a continuation approval from PI/central IRB, IRB-HSR staff will: Verify training completion Provide PI with Training Certification Modifications 1. Upon receipt of a modification approval from PI/central IRB, IRB-HSR staff will: Enter “Receipt” event in IRB-HSR IRB Online. File documents in IRB-HSR file. Advertisements All advertisements will be submitted to central IRB by the study team and approved prior to use. 1. Upon receipt of an advertisement approval from PI/central IRB, IRB-HSR staff will: Enter “Receipt” event in IRB-HSR IRB Online. File documents in IRB-HSR file. Protocol Violations and Deviations The PI is responsible for submitting protocol violations and deviations to the central IRB. Adverse Events Adverse events are to be submitted to central IRB by the PI according to central IRB policies. REFERENCES: "Continued Access to Investigational Devices During PMA Preparation and Review," Blue Book Memorandum, D96-1 http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/d961.html Appendix A: Investigator Agreement for Continued Access Protocols UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA IRB FOR HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH INVESTIGATOR AGREEMENT Title of Study: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____ BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, THE INVESTIGATOR AGREES: 1. That no subjects will be recruited or entered under the protocol until the Investigator has received approval from the central IRB. 2. That any materials used to recruit subjects will be approved by the central IRB prior to use. 3. That any modifications of the protocol or consent form will not be initiated without prior written approval from the central IRB, except when necessary to eliminate immediate hazards to the subjects. 4. That any serious deviation from the protocol will be reported promptly to the central IRB in writing. 5. That adverse events will be reported to the central IRB according to their policies. 6. That the continuation status report for this protocol will be completed and returned to the central IRB within the time limit required. 7. That all subjects will sign a copy of the most current non- expired consent form. 8. That the IRB-HSR office will be notified within 30 days of a change in the Principal Investigator or of the closure of this study. 9. That no personnel will be allowed to work on this protocol until they have completed the IRB-HSR Online training and the IRB-HSR has been notified. ________________________ Principal Investigator (Name Printed) __________________________ Principal Investigator (Signature) ___________ Date BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, THE CHAIR AGREES: 1. 2. 3. 4. To assume overall responsibility for the conduct of this investigator. To work with the investigator, and with the central IRB and the IRB-HSR as needed, to maintain compliance with this agreement. That the Principal Investigator is qualified to perform this study. That the protocol is scientifically relevant and sound. _____________________________ _____________________________ Department Chair/Division Head* Department Chair/Division Head (Name Printed) (Signature) *(Cannot be Principal Investigator or Sub-investigator) __________ Date The Committee reserves the right to terminate this study at any time if, in its opinion, (1) the risks of further experimentation are prohibitive, or (2) the above agreement is breached. For Use by IRB-HSR Office IRB-HSR # __________ Revised 112-19-06 Page 1 of 1 Appendix B: Continued Access IRB/IRB-HSR Protocol Information Form IRB-HSR/Central IRB Protocol Information Form Sponsor Protocol #______________(If Applicable) Title:__________________________________________________________________________ ______ Do you/will you have a contract with an outside sponsor for this protocol? Yes No If yes- name of group you will have contract with:___________________________________________________________________ Is this protocol funded by a Grant? Yes No If Yes- GHIC# for Approved Grant ______________ Does this study involve an investigational drug or use of a drug for an unapproved indication/dose/route of administration? Yes No Is this protocol part of an outside sponsored IND? Yes No If Yes- IND#_____________________ Does this study involve an investigational device or use of an approved device for an unapproved indication? Yes No If Yes, Investigational Device Exemption IDE#____________________________ Yes No If Yes, is this protocol part of a UVA Physician sponsored IDE? If Yes, School of Medicine Clinical Trials Office/DSMB approval required. Does this study involve the use of radiation for research purposes? Yes No If Yes, Radiation Safety Committee approval is required unless standard wording from the IRB-HSR Website is used. Will any part of this study be done in the GCRC? Yes No If Yes, GCRC approval required. Attach one copy of GCRC submission. GCRC#___________ Does this study involve the use of recombinant DNA, biological vectors or infectious agents? Yes No If Yes, IBC approval required. IBC#____________ To avoid any conflict of interest are any IRB-HSR members/alternates listed on the protocol or 1572 form? Yes No If Yes, please list names below. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Will you be using any specimens from a human? Yes No Will all collection (i.e. blood drawing) and processing (i.e. anything that involves the specimen container to be opened) occur in a UVA clinic/hospital or clinical lab? Yes No If No- attach approval from the Institutional Biosafety Committee IBC#__________ If you need to register with the IBC go to http://keats.admin.virginia.edu/bio/home.html Revised 12-19-06 INVESTIGATORS PLEASE NOTE: If an individual is a UVA employee, please list his/her official UVA registered e-mail address. Do not list an alias e-mail address on IRB-HSR forms. Ex: use srh@virginia.edu, not SRHoffman@virginia.edu. ALL individuals having contact with subjects or their identifiable information for this protocol must be listed below. All e-mails from the IRB-HSR regarding a protocol will be sent to the PI, Study Coordinator(s) , Department Contact and IRB Departmental Coordinator (if applicable) Principal Investigator: (First) _________________ (Last)____________________________________(Degree)____________ Phone ____________________ E-mail___________________________ Messenger Mail Address _________________________ School _____________________________________________ Department___________________________________________ Division______________________________________ Note: only 1 person may be listed as the PI by the IRB-HSR- please list others as sub-investigators. If the PI is NOT a faculty member a faculty member must be listed as a sub-investigator. Students are not allowed to be the Principal Investigator. Study Coordinator I: (First) ____________________ (Last)____________________________________(Degree)____________ Phone____________________ E-mail___________________________ Messenger Mail Address__________________________ School _____________________________________________ Department___________________________________________ Division______________________________________ Study Coordinator II: (First) ____________________ (Last)____________________________________(Degree)____________ Phone____________________ E-mail___________________________ Messenger Mail Address__________________________ School _____________________________________________ Department___________________________________________ Division______________________________________ Department Contact: (First) ___________________ (Last)___________________________________(Degree)____________ Phone___________________ E-mail_____________________________ Messenger Mail Address_________________________ School _____________________________________________ Department___________________________________________ Division______________________________________ Note: Usually a person who knows how to get in touch with the PI or Study Coordinator if they’re unavailable (i.e. PI secretary/department manager). The Department Chair should not be listed as the Department Contact. Departmental IRB Coordinator: (First) ___________________ (Last)___________________________________(Degree)____________ Phone___________________ E-mail_____________________________ Messenger Mail Address_________________________ School _____________________________________________ Department___________________________________________ Division______________________________________ Sponsor/Granting Agency Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Fax: _________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Revised 12-19-06 Page 1 of 2 Sub-investigators List ALL individuals who will have contact with subjects or will have access to research data that has identifying information (e.g.-subject name or medical record number) Sub-investigator: (First) ______________________(Last)__________________________________(Degree)_______ _ Phone_______________ E-mail___________________________ Messenger Mail Address_________________________ School _____________________________________________ Department___________________________________________ Division______________________________________ Sub-investigator: (First) ______________________(Last)__________________________________(Degree)_______ _ Phone_______________ E-mail___________________________ Messenger Mail Address_________________________ School _____________________________________________ Department___________________________________________ Division______________________________________ Sub-investigator: (First) ______________________(Last)__________________________________(Degree)_______ _ Phone_______________ E-mail___________________________ Messenger Mail Address_________________________ School _____________________________________________ Department___________________________________________ Division______________________________________ Sub-investigator: (First) ______________________(Last)__________________________________(Degree)_______ _ Phone_______________ E-mail___________________________ Messenger Mail Address_________________________ School _____________________________________________ Department___________________________________________ Division______________________________________ Sub-investigator: (First) ______________________(Last)__________________________________(Degree)_______ _ Phone_______________ E-mail___________________________ Messenger Mail Address_________________________ School _____________________________________________ Department___________________________________________ Division______________________________________ Sub-investigator: (First) ______________________(Last)__________________________________(Degree)_______ _ Phone_______________ E-mail___________________________ Messenger Mail Address_________________________ School _____________________________________________ Department___________________________________________ Division______________________________________ Are there additional sub-investigators? Revised 12-19-06 Yes No If Yes, attach additional pages. Page 2 of 2 Appendix C: Institutional Review Board (IRB) Authorization Agreement Name of Institution or Organization Providing IRB Review (Institution/Organization A): ________________________________________________________________________ _____ IRB Registration #: __________ Federalwide Assurance (FWA) #, if any: _________________ Name of Institution Relying on the Designated IRB (Institution B): University of Virginia FWA #: 00006183 The Officials signing below agree that the University of Virginia may rely on the designated IRB for review and continuing oversight of its human subjects research described below: (check one) (___) This agreement applies to all human subjects research covered by Institution B’s FWA. (__X_) This agreement is limited to the following specific protocol(s): Name of Research Project:________________________________________________________ Name of Principal Investigator:____________________________________________________ Sponsor or Funding Agency: ________________ Award Number, if any: __________________ (___) Other (describe):__________________________________________________________ The review performed by the designated IRB will meet the human subject protection requirements of Institution B’s OHRP-approved FWA. The IRB at Institution/Organization A will follow written procedures for reporting its findings and actions to appropriate officials at Institution B. Relevant minutes of IRB meetings will be made available to Institution B upon request. Institution B remains responsible for ensuring compliance with the IRB’s determinations and with the Terms of its OHRP-approved FWA. This document must be kept on file by both parties and provided to OHRP upon request. Signature of Signatory Official (Institution A): ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Print Full Name: ___________________________ Institutional Title: _____________________ NOTE: The IRB of Institution A must be designated on the OHRP-approved FWA for Institution B. Signature of Signatory Official (Institution B): ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Print Full Name: Ariel Gomez Institutional Title: VP for Research and Graduate Studies) Version Date 1-31-07