RESUME Jeanne M. Orrben (303) 964-8842 EDUCATION University of Denver, Graduate School of Social Work, MSW 1978 Iliff School of Theology, Classes toward a MDiv, 1974 – 1975 College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota, BA, Social Work, 1971 EXPERIENCE 2006 to 2013, 2014 to present University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work, Adjunct Field Liaison (Contract) Meet with assigned students and their field supervisors at the agency a minimum of three times per year to assure that learning assignments are appropriate and student is meeting expectations of the agency. Review evaluations and assign grades. If problems arise, facilitate resolution to the satisfaction of all involved. This may include recommending a faculty review and/or change of placement. 1997 to 2008 University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work Bridge Project, Program Director and Site Manager Program Development and implementation: Initiated three new program sites overseeing remodeling of buildings, recruiting families and youth to participate, establishing appropriate schedules/activities for after school and summer programs, engaging partners in providing services at the site, recruited and trained tutors and mentors, hired staff, supervised interns and established a positive culture at the sites. Program Management: Daily oversight of program, family case management, outreach, staff development, coordination of events/programs across all sites, assure implementation of research, quality assurance, record keeping and behavior management. 1995 to 1997 Metropolitan Organizations for People (MOP), Executive Director Accountable to the board of directors for recruiting member institutions, developing federated campaigns, establishing local organizing committees, finding and training leaders, fundraising, budget and management of the organization. Maintaining the affiliation and relation with PICO national network of community organizations. Provide staff direction for diverse community organization: Responsible for recruiting, supervising and training of staff. 1992 to 1995 Metropolitan Organizations for People (MOP), Lead Organizer Community organizing with assigned member congregations: Responsible for developing local leadership and committees, supervision of interns thus facilitating effective action toward change. 1990 to 1992 Denver Department of Social Services, Director of the Denver Family Opportunity/Community Partnerships Division Administration/Management/Supervision: Responsible for a team of staff, consultants and volunteers including budget and planning functions. Program Development and Community Coordination: Provided staffing to a broad based community council established to create a path out of poverty for families receiving AFDC by creating a comprehensive community support system. This council received the “Outstanding Program” award from the Colorado Trust in 1995 with a grant of $100,000. Resource Development: Organized initiatives and facilitated strategies on a wide variety of program and policy issues to benefit families in the Denver Family Opportunity Program. 1988 to 1990 Denver Department of Social Services, Assistant Director, Denver Family Opportunity Program Community Organizing and Planning: Conducted client focus groups, staff action groups and assisted in guiding extensive interactive planning process aimed at welfare reform in a large county department of social services. Initiated and established Client Advisory Board and Education, Training and Employment Task Force as part of the Denver Family Opportunity Council. Program Development and Implementation: Recruited and trained case managers to assist clients in self-sufficiency program. Designed and wrote case management manual, incorporating the requirements of the Family Support Act of 1988. 1986-1988 Mercy Medical Center, Durango, CO, Medical Social Worker Home Health/Hospice Social Work: Participated as a team member in development and implementation of care plan, assessing the social and emotional factors of patients and families. Inpatient Case Management: Participated in patient care involving family and patient in care, discharge and financial planning. Consultant/Community Organizing: Private Practice Leadership and Organizational Development: Conducted workshops and training sessions for nonprofit community groups and agencies. Facilitated meetings and organizing staff retreats with Western Colorado Congress and the Archdiocese of Tucson, AZ Office of Hispanic Affairs. 1981 to 1986 Denver Catholic Community Services: Director of Outreach Teams Administration/Management/Supervision: Responsible for a department composed of multidisciplinary team supervisors and staff. Developed and managed annual budget. Program Development: Coordinated programs across diverse geographical boundaries, including organizational and staff development to achieve quality of service. Board Member of Metropolitan Organizations for People (MOP). Board Development: Provided staff role to two Board committees. 1978 to 1981 Denver Catholic Community Services: Director of Parish Outreach Program Supervision/Management: Responsible for community organizing staff in middle management position. Program Development: Expanded and clarified services through coordination with churches, public and private agencies and leadership development of volunteers. Oversaw the merging of this Program into the Outreach Teams. 1977 to 1978 Colorado State Senate: Legislative Intern to Senator Research/Coalition Building: Conducted research and organized hearings regarding nursing home and mortuary science legislation. Developed the Colorado Social Legislation Task Force on issues affecting persons with persistent mental illness which resulted in new programs and increased state funding. 1975 to 1977 Denver Catholic Community Services: Community Organizer, Parish Outreach Program Community Outreach: Recruited, trained and facilitated volunteer involvement in community projects and action. Program Development: Facilitated establishment of volunteer run public housing storefront and a parish neighborhood center to meet emergency needs. Organized efforts to create equitable and just public and corporate policies. 1965 To 1975 Residential Child-care Facilities: St. Paul, MN; Omaha, NE; Dubuque, IA; Denver and Broomfield, CO Group Supervisor/Child-care worker, Intake Worker, Middle Manager, Treatment Team Coordinator and Art Teacher. STRENGTHS/SKILLS Community Organizing Knowledge and experience in PICO model of community organizing Successful in recruiting congregations as dues paying members of MOP Assisting leaders in conducting public actions resulting in concrete improvements in the community Demonstrated ability to develop relationships necessary in the building of a community organization. Administration/Resource Development/Program Development Ability to provide staff leadership in accomplishing an organization’s mission, goals and objectives. Successful in budged development and monitoring Expertise in areas of problem solving, conflict resolution, group process and leadership development Provides positive education and supervision of staff, volunteers and interns. Successful in fundraising through grant writing, membership dues and contracts. References available upon request