
Search and Screen Committee engages in/hosts a face-to-face process designed to learn more about each
interviewee’s qualifications for the job, and to strengthen each interviewee’s interest in and
understanding of the position and the organization. Interview is a mutual process.
Potential for Bias
 Fair vs. exactly the same
Remedies to Bias
 First impressions
 Provide each candidate with what they need to show
you the best they can do
 Assumptions
 Recognize first impressions as possible biases
Recognizing characteristics like
leadership, persistence,
integrity, creativity…?
Assuming interests or needs
from identity
Using “us” as the standard of
measure—not considering
cultural and gender differences
 Speculation
Evaluating skillful public selfpromotion
Assuming that questions or
concerns arising in the
interview are candidate deficits
Assigning meaning without
 Interview questions
Not pre-planning good
interview questions
Too many questions
How to evaluate the answers
No follow-up questions
 Open-mindedness
Look for different ways people demonstrate
leadership, persistence, integrity, creativity…
Ask about interests or needs
Question standards of measure—be aware of
cultural and gender differences as positive
 Information
Recognize questions that require further
research to be answered
Interrupt speculation and interpretation
 Interview questions
Pre-plan relevant interview questions
Open-ended/broad/behavior-based questions
Performance skills as well as technical skills
A few questions well explored through dialog
Expect strengths, weaknesses, and growth
Ask follow-up questions until you understand
the full range of behavior