Full Faculty Senate Roster

2015-2016 Faculty Senators Roster
Faculty Senate
Arora, Amit (email: aroram)
COBA (1st Term)
Alexander, Stephanie (email: alexander)
CLASS (2nd Term)
Bindhammer, Heidi (email: bindhamm)
CLASS (1st Term)
Choi,Hae- Yeon (email: choi)
COBA (1st Term)
Deloach, Roenia (email: deloachr)
CLASS (2d Term)
Faries, Chad (email: fariesc)
CLASS (1st Term)
Gardner-Martin, Dorothy (email: gardnerd)
CLASS (2nd Term)
Hayder, Mir (email: hayderm)
COST (1st Term)
Iancu, Otilia (email: iancuo)
CLASS (1st Term)
Jordan, Kenneth (email: jordank)
CLASS (2nd Term)
Kim, Sujin (email:kims)
COST (2nd Term)
Lewis, Michael (email: lewismi)
CLASS (2nd Term)
Locke, Crystal (email: lockec)
CAS (1st Term)
Nitta, Takayuki (email: nittat)
COST (1st Term)
O’Brien, Kevin (email: obrienk)
CLASS (2nd Term)
Olubajo, Olarongbe (email: olubajoo)
COST (2nd Term)
Rukmana, Deden (email: rukmanad
CLASS (1 st Term)
Sajwan, Kenneth (email: sajwank)
COST (1st Term)
Samms-Brown, Chevanese (email: sammsc)
COBA (1 st Term)
Thompson, Cora (email: thompsonc)
SOTE (1st Term)
Toney, Susanne (email:toneys)
COBA (1st Term)
Walker, Kai (email: walkerka)
CLASS (2nd Term)
Warren, Yvonne (email: warreny)
CAS (2nd Term)
Tedrick, Irina (email: tedricki)
CLASS (1st Term)
Wang, Guan Jun (email:wangg)
COBA (1st Term)
Wu, Jiayun Gavin (email:gavinwu)
COBA (1st Term)
Wyche, Louise (email: wychel)
Library (2nd Term)
Yount, Lisa (email: yountl)
CLASS (2nd Term)
Revised 2/25/16
2015-2016 Faculty Senators Roster
Interim Provost and VPAA
Kimberly S. Holmes
Center for Academic Success (CAS)
Crystal Locke
Yvonne Warren
College of Business Administration (COBA)
Amit Arora
Chevanese Samms Brown
Hae Yeon Choi
Susanne Toney
Guan Jun Wang
Jiayun Gavin Wu
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS)
Stephanie Alexander
Heidi Bindhammer
Roenia Deloach
Chad Faries
Dorothy Gardner-Martin
Otilia Iancu
Kenneth Jordan
Michael Lewis
Kevin O’ Brien
Deden Rukmana
Irina Tedrick
Kai Walker
Lisa Yount
College of Sciences and Technology (COST)
Mir Hader
Sujin Kim
Takayuki Nitta
Olarongbe Olubajo
Kenneth Sajwan
Louise E. Wyche
School Of Teacher Education (SOTE)
Cora Thompson
2015-2016 Ex- Officio Roster
Faculty Senate
Dr. Julius Scipio
Interim Provost and VPAA , Interim
Dr. Mabel Moore
Chief Information Officer and
Special Assistant to the President
Mr. Phillip D. Adams
VP for University Advancement
Dr. Chellu Chetty
Associate Vice President for
Research and Sponsored Programs
Mr. Edward Jolley, Jr.
VP for Business and Financial
Dr. Sandra Best
Assistant VP for Human Resources
Dr. Mostafa Sarhan
Dean of COBA
Dr. Jonathan Lambright
Dean of COST
Mrs. Mary Jo Fayoyin
Dean for Library Services
Mr. Sterling Steward, Jr.
Director for Athletics
Ms. Mary Ann Goldwire
Interim Director for CAS
Dr. Nat Hardy
Director for Graduate Studies
Dr. Michael Crow
Director for Institutional Research
Mr. Joe Steffen
University Counsel
Dr. F. Carl Walton
Vice President for Student Affairs
Dr. Frank Williams
Director for Online Education
Chan Auditorium
February 2, 2016---4:00 pm
Interim Provost and VPAA
Dr. Kimberly Sinclair Holmes _____________________________________________________
Center for Academic Success (CAS)
Crystal Locke ___________________________________________________________
Yvonne Warren ________________________________________________________________
College of Business Administration (COBA)
Amit Arora ________________________________________________________________
Chevanese Samms Brown _________________________________________________
Hae Yeon Choi________________________________________________________________
Susanne Toney____________________________________________________________
Guan Jun Wang _________________________________________________________________
Jiayun Gavin Wu ________________________________________________________________
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS)
Stephanie Alexander_____________________________________________________________
Heidi Bindhammer _________________________________________________________________
Roenia Deloach _________________________________________________________________
Chad Faries___________________________________________________________________
Dorothy Gardner-Martin _________________________________________________________
Otilia Iancu ____________________________________________________________________
Kenneth Jordan _________________________________________________________________
Michael Lewis_______________________________________________________________________
Kevin O’Brien __________________________________________________________________
Deden Rukmana____________________________________________________________________
Irina Tedrick ___________________________________________________________________
Kai Walker _____________________________________________________________________
Lisa Yount ______________________________________________________________________
College of Sciences and Technology (COST)
Mir Hayder _____________________________________________________________
Sujin Kim ________________________________________________________________
Takayuki Nitta ________________________________________________________________
Olarongbe Olubajo _____________________________________________________________
Kenneth Sajwan________________________________________________________________
Louise Wyche ___________________________________________________________________
School Of Teacher Education (SOTE)
Cora Thompson_________________________________________________________________
Chan Auditorium
February 2, 2016--- 4:00 pm
Dr. Julius Scipio_________________________________________________________________
Mr. Phillip D. Adams____________________________________________________________
Dr. Sandra Best _________________________________________________________________
Dr. Chellu Chetty _______________________________________________________________
Dr. Michael Crow _______________________________________________________________
Mrs. Mary Jo Fayoyin ____________________________________________________________
Mrs. Mary Ann Goldwire_________________________________________________________
Dr. Nat Hardy __________________________________________________________________
Mr. Edward Jolley, Jr. ____________________________________________________________
Dr. Jonathan Lambright __________________________________________________________
Dr. Mable Moore _______________________________________________________________
Dr. Mostafa Sarhan ______________________________________________________________
Mr. Sterling Steward, Jr. __________________________________________________________
Mr. Joe Steffen ________________________________________________________________
Dr. F. Carl Walton ______________________________________________________________
Dr. Frank Williams_____________________________________________________________
Chan Auditorium
February 2, 2016---4:00 pm
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NEW SENATORS FOR 2015-2016 Sign-In Roster
Faculty Senate
Chan Auditorium
February 2, 2016 – 4:00 P.M.
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