Integrated System Upgrade to Oracle Release 12.1.3 Project Charter A. General Information Information to be provided in this section is general in nature and provides the necessary information about the organization of the project and project participants. Project Sponsor: Project Manager: Prepared by: Date: B. ISDS Shy M. Hicks Shy M. Hicks October 18, 2010 Purpose Information in this section discusses the reasons why the Charter Document has been created and what the project is intended to accomplish. Background: The University of Virginia purchased the Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) for Finance and HR Payroll in 1999. Since that time, the Integrated System Deployment and Support department (ISDS) has completed upgrades to Releases 11.5.9 in 2004 and then to 11.5.10 in 2006. Although the University anticipated that major upgrades would occur every two to three years, it has now been almost five years since the last upgrade. Justification: In April 2006, Oracle announced a change in their support model to three tiers: Premier Support which is available for 5 years after the version release, Extended Support which includes a 20% additional cost for 3 additional years, and Sustaining Support which provides no patches, no certification with third party software, and no tax, legal, or regulatory updates. Because of the loss of basic maintenance under Sustaining Support, UVA must upgrade to Release 12.1 before 2013. The Premium Support for 11.5.10 ends in November, 2010 and, although Oracle has extended the support for an additional year without charge, UVA has already experienced an increasing degradation in support of 11.5.10 from Oracle. Purpose: In addition to expected improvement in support from Oracle, the upgrade to EBS 12.1.3 will provide improvements in functionality to our customers, including a cleaner, updated user interface, technical enhancements that make patching faster and more efficient, and new business functions, including Web Application Desktop Integrator (which can be used to upload data to all modules), iSupplier Portal (which will allow Procurement Services to better-manage vendors and invoicing), and Learning Management improvements (which will allow HR to more effective manage training and integrate it with the new competencies and career tracks). In addition, the planned implementation of Oracle Advanced Benefits, which will begin in July 2011, will use the new user interface and features in 12.1, which is expected to greatly facilitate its implementation, according to Oracle experts. C. Constraints and Assumptions List all known constraints and assumptions pertaining to this project that may impact scope. A constraint is an applicable restriction or limitation, either internal or external to the project, that will affect the performance of the project or a process. Assumptions are factors that, for planning purposes, are considered to be true, real, or certain without proof or demonstration. Assumptions generally involve a degree of risk. ISDS Staff will be available to implement the R12 functionality. Central office staff will be available to help with testing as required. ITC Staff will be available to conduct performance testing in the timeframe identified by ISDS (JanuaryFebruary 2011). March 8, 2010 D. Preliminary Scope Statement The Preliminary Scope Statement is a narrative description of products, services, or results to be developed. Please be descriptive. This can be the foundation for your Scope Statement or Statement of Work (SOW). The project preplanning effort began on May 1, 2010, and the implementation date is May 2, 2011. Oracle Release 12.1.3 will be implemented with the existing functionality provided in 11.5.10, including all existing deliverables that are not obsolete. In addition, Web ADI will be installed because the desktop version has been eliminated, and the Payment Module will be implemented because this is new functionality required to perform payment functions. A hardware replacement was implemented during August and September, 2010 and ISDS staff will complete an 11g database upgrade and a Noetix upgrade. After the upgrade is complete, all other new functionality will be analyzed to determine whether it would improve internal operations or customer satisfaction. E. Resource Requirements List all known required resources. Resources may be money, people, etc. F. $350,000 project budget, primarily to be used for consulting assistance ISDS functional and technical analysts, developers, application database administrators, and system database administrators. ITC performance testing personnel HR Training staff Central office staff Risks List uncertain events or conditions that, if occur, have a positive or negative impact on the success of the project. ISDS Developers and Analysts must complete all deliverables by February 10, 2011 to insure that all functionality is thoroughly tested in CRP2 and UAT. ISDS staff must be available to perform each upgrade and complete all upgrade testing while also applying and testing Fixed Asset and HR year-end patches, and performing SciQuest upgrades in October and March. If significant production issues arise, the project manager must be able to quickly acquire additional consulting resources to insure that the project stays on schedule. ITC staff must be available to conduct performance testing in January and February 2011. Central Offices must be available to conduct testing during CRP2 and UAT. Central Offices must be available to validate data during Go Live. March 8, 2010