Where are the Engineers? Perceived Costs and Benefits of Christian Engineering Education - Green

Panel: Where are the Engineers?
Perceived Costs and Benefits of
Christian Engineering Education
CEEC 2004
Salt Lake City, UT
Matthew G. Green
Manufacturing & Design Lab
Mechanical Systems and Design
The University of Texas, Austin
June 24, 2004
A Few Slides
Focus group research
Perceived costs of Christian engr. ed.
Perceived benefits of Christian engr. ed.
Overlooked benefits of Christian engr. ed.
Focus Group Research
Small focus group interview of UT Austin
Christian graduate students, and a professor
Several students from secular schools, one
from a Christian engineering school
Question: “For undergraduate engineering
studies, why should a Christian choose (or not
choose) a Christian institution?”
Conclusion: the perceived costs outweigh the
perceived benefits
Further research question: “Are there
overlooked benefits?”
Perceived Costs of Christian Engr. Ed.
Financial – “is $30k/yr worth it for the normal
Fewer resources (e.g. labs, class variety) / less
Lack of being “in the world” (over-protection) –
“someone with a solid Christian foundation
should be able to go anywhere”
Perceived Benefits of Christian Engr. Ed.
 Small and “safe” community (bad
company corrupts character)
 Christian values
Overlooked (?) Benefits of
Christian Engr. Ed.
 Christian world view in core curriculum
(especially humanities)
 Christian world view in engineering
(especially how technology is used)
 Christian world view in career mentoring
 Enhanced dedication and quality in
 Are there overlooked benefits?
 Are there misconceptions about the costs?