Matakuliah Tahun Versi : H0042/Teori Rangkaian Listrik : 2005 : <<versi/01 Pertemuan 4 Useful Circuit Analysis Techniques 1 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : • Menguraikan rangkaian linier dengan metode superposisi • Menghitung variabel arus dan tegangan pada elemen R dengan metode superposisi. 2 Outline Materi • Materi 1 : pengenalan metode analisa superposisi • Materi 2 : pegenalan metode analisa transformasi sumber. • Materi 3 : aplikasi metode analisa superposisi • Materi 4 : aplikasi metode analisa superposisi 3 Chapter 5 Useful Circuit Analysis Techniques Fig. 5.1 A circuit with two independent current sources. Fig. 5.2 (a) A voltage source set to zero acts like a short circuit… Fig. 5.3 Circuit from Example 5.1 (Superposition Example). Fig. 5.6 Circuit from Example 5.3 (Superposition Example). Fig. 5.13 (and 5.14) Practical sources. Fig. 5.21 (a) A complex network including a load resistor RL. Fig. 5.22 Figs. from Example 5.6 (Thévenin/ Norton Equivalents). Fig. 5.30 Circuit from Example 5.10. Engineering Circuit Analysis Sixth Edition W.H. Hayt, Jr., J.E. Kemmerly, S.M. Durbin Copyright © 2002 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4 A circuit with two independent current sources. W.H. Hayt, Jr., J.E. Kemmerly, S.M. Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, Sixth Edition. Copyright ©2002 McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. 5 • SUPERPOSITION • The superposition principle applies to phasor responses only if all of the independent sources driving the circuit have the same frequency. That is , when the input sources have the same frequency, we can find the phasor response due to each source acting alone and obtain the total response by adding the individual phasors. If the sources have different frequencies, then superposition can still be used but its application is different. With different frequency sources, each source must be treated in a separate steady-state analysis because the element impedances change with frequency. The phasor response for each source must be changed into waveforms and then superposition applied in the time domain. In other words, the superposition principle always applies in the time domain. It also applies in the phasor domain when all independent sources have the same frequency. The 6 following examples illustrate both cases. (a) A voltage source set to zero acts like a short circuit. (b) A current source set to zero acts like an open circuit. W.H. Hayt, Jr., J.E. Kemmerly, S.M. Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, Sixth Edition. Copyright ©2002 McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. 7 Use superposition to find the current ix. W.H. Hayt, Jr., J.E. Kemmerly, S.M. Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, Sixth Edition. Copyright ©2002 McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. 8 Use superposition to find the current ix. W.H. Hayt, Jr., J.E. Kemmerly, S.M. Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, Sixth Edition. Copyright ©2002 McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. 9 (a) A general practical voltage source connected to a load resistor RL. (b) The terminal characteristics compared to an ideal source. (a) A general practical current source connected to a load resistor RL. (b) The terminal characteristics compared to an ideal source. W.H. Hayt, Jr., J.E. Kemmerly, S.M. Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, Sixth Edition. Copyright ©2002 McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. 10 . Problem 3. Use superposition to find the steady-state current i(t) in Fig. 8-23 for R=10k,L=200mH, vS1=24cos20000t V, and vS2=8cos(60000t+30). • SOLUTION: • In this example the two sources operate at different frequencies. With source no. 2 off, the input phasor is Vs1 = 240V at a frequency of =20 krad/s . At this frequency the equivalent impedance of the inductor and resistor is 11 The phasor current due to source no.1 is With source no.1 off and no.2 on, the input phasor VS2 =8 8 30 at a frequency of = 60 krad/s. At this frequency the equivalent impedance of the inductor and resistor is 12 The phasor current due to source no.2 is • The two input sources operate at different frequencies, so that phasors responses I1 and I2 cannot be added to obtain the overall response. In this case the overall response is obtained by adding the corresponding timedomain functions. 13 Problem 4.Use superposition to find the value of vx in the circuit of Fig. 5.44. Problem 5. Apply superposition to the circuit of Fig. 5.45 to find i3. 14 RESUME • Tegangan dan arus yang diserap oleh beban pada rangkaian listrik dapat diidentifikasi dengan penyederhanaan rangkaian berdasarkan transformasi sumber. 15