Snapshot Day 10/12/06 Data (Salt Front RM 52.5) RIVER MILE 7 and River Mile 11 79th St. Boat Basin (plankton & minnow traps) Mid River South of the George Washington Bridge by Edge Water, New Jersey Sloop Lettie G. Howard, South Street Seaport Shane Riordan, The Harbor School, 9th grade Location: 79th St. Boat Basin for plankton & minnow traps. Chemistry and trawl from Mid River South of the George Washington Bridge by Edge Water, New Jersey Area: public boat basin and mid river Surrounding Land Use: marina Sampling Site: Plants in area: Water depth: River Bottom – ITEM Physical Air Temperature Wind Speed Cloud Cover Weather today Weather recently Water Temperature Turbidity – Chlorophyll Chemical Time Reading 1 Cloudy Heavy rain last night 18.5C Reading 2 Comments DO (color comparator) pH – Phosphate Nitrate Alkalinity Salinity hydrometer Fish Catch Minnow Traps 79th street Plankton 79th street Tides Currents Traffic Other Items Boat times 11AM3:45PM 7.2 mg/L Boat times 11AM3:45PM Number Caught 1 (6 inch) 22 (1 inch) 11 (5 inch) 2 (7-8 inch) 1 (1 inch_ 13.3 ppt 28 (103 inch) 15 (3-5 inch) 4 (6-7 inch) 6 (3-5 inch) 1 (3 inch) 1 (1.5 inch) 2 (2 inch) 1 (2 inch) 1 (1/2 inch) Dinoflagellates Copepods Sea lice Species 18.5C 77% saturated CPUE trawled Tomcod Glass shrimp Hog chocker Oyster toadfish Striped sea robin Blue crab Blue crab Blue crab Weakfish Mantis shrimp Grubby Trap #1 Glass Shrimp Glass shrimp Mud crab Diatoms Zoea Trap #2 Trap #3 Phytoplankton Zooplankton Comb Jelly