Your Name

____ (Your Name)
____ (Street address)
____ (City, State zip)
____ (Phone)
____ (Email)
____ (Date)
Director of Human Resources
____ (Company name)
____ (Address)
____ (City, State zip)
Dear Director,
The enclosed resume is one that I believe you will find useful in your selection of a ____
(job you are applying for).
With ____ years of experience as a ____ (job title you used to hold) and ____ years as a
____ (another job title you used to hold), I believe I fulfill your requirement of ____
years in ____ (skill area required for the job you're applying for).
I am available for an interview during the next ___ (time frame, such as "few weeks").
Please call me to arrange a time.
Thank you for reviewing my resume.
____ (Your name)
Enclosure: resume