Your Name

____ (Your Name)
____ (Street address)
____ (City, State zip)
____ (Phone)
____ (Email)
____ (Date)
____ (Hiring manager's name)
____ (Company name)
____ (Address)
____ (City, State zip)
Dear _____,
The ____ (job your are applying for) opening at your firm is an exciting opportunity for
me. I would very much like to join your ____ (name of department) team and share the
expertise I have in ____ (one or two of your specialties).
In that regard, please note the following relevant achievements:
____ (One of your achievements that supports your job objective)
____ (Another achievement that supports your job objective)
Thank you for considering the enclosed resume. I will contact your office in a few days
to see when we can speak about the position in person.
____ (Your name)
Enclosure: resume