Unix Networking & Internetworking
Typical Communication Utilities
Internet research started in the 1960’s
ARPA – Advanced Research Planning Agency
Began work on packet switching.
ARPANET – late 1970’s
Prototype Internet was developed.
Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet
1 st used by academic institutions, research organizations, & the U.S. military.
1983 – Internet sites = 562
1986 – Internet sites = 2,308
Doubled every year for the next 10 years.
1996 – 9.5 million
Key to easy network utilization.
1 st browser – Mosaic – Developed by NCSA
National Center for Supercomputer
Launched in 1991
Web browsing surpassed FTP
File Transfer Protocol
Between 50 – 100 million computers
1 million computer networks
Unix has a special role in that most of the network protocols were initially implemented on Unix platforms.
Most servers run on Unix based machines.
Two or > hardware resources connected.
Can be computers, printers, plotters, scanners, etc.
A hardware resource is a host.
LAN – Local Area Network
MAN – Metropolitan Area Network
WAN – Wide Area Network
These distinctions are based on the maximum distance between hosts.
Local Area Network
Hosts are in a room, building, or close buildings
Distance from a few meters to about 1km
Metropolitan Area Networks
Hosts between a city or between small cities
Distance between hosts is about 1 to 20 km
Wide Area Network
Hosts distance range from tens of kilometers to a few thousand kilometers.
Internetwork is a network of networks.
Can connect networks within a campus or networks thousands of kilometers apart.
Connected with routers or gateways.
Internet is an internetwork of tens of thousands of networks
Routers – Connect similar networks
Gateways – Connect dissimilar networts.
Convert messages to suitable form for each network.
Sharing resources – Printers, plotters, scanners, software, etc.
Communication between people
Costs savings
Reliability > 1 computer
Kernel handles the communications.
The communications hardware (NIC)
Network Interface Card
The Unix kernel handles the details.
Domain name service (DNS) is central to the
When URLs are entered in a Web browser, a
DNS server converts the name to an IP address, allowing the client to send a packet to the Web server as requested
The information in DNS can be thought of as an inverted hierarchical tree, where the top of the tree is called root and is represented by a period
Users typically don’t refer to roots, but to the last part of domain names called top-level domains
Resolving a domain to an IP address using
DNS, also called querying the DNS server, stores, or caches, the conversion information resulting in speedier DNS queries
Each domain has a master DNS server which contains database files that provide IP addresses to every host in that domain
Each domain should have a slave DNS server which acts as a backup to the master
The program that implements a DNS server is called named , the name daemon, which is controlled by a system script in /etc/rc.d/init.d
named is found in the BIND package on most
Linux systems; selecting the Red Hat Linux name server component provides bind-conf, bind-utils, and caching-nameserver
Caching name servers have no preconfigured domain information, but simply query other DNS servers and cache the results
Resolver functions like:
To invoke DNS service
Maps a host name to its IP address
Maps an IP address to its hostname
ifconfig command
View the IP address & other info about your hosts interface to the network.
Usually in the /sbin directory
(Type /sbin/ifconfig)
Display the IP address of a host
nslookup ibm.com
Returns the address.
Modern forms: host or dig
Electronic Mail – SMTP (Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol)
File Transfer – FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Remote Login – Telnet (and ssh)
Time – Time
Web Browsing – HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer
Internet services are implemented by service partitioned in two parts.
Part on the computer (host) where the user is logged onto is the client software .
The part that starts running when a server boots is the server software .
The server runs forever –
Waiting for a client request
A request is handled & then waits for another request.
Client starts running when a user runs the program for a service the client offers.
URL – Universal Resource Locator
URL is given to the client process to view a page.
Displays the home page of machine
List of users using hosts on a network.
rwho – Remote who
Displays users using machines on your network.
rwho –a Users currently idle
ping – If host is alive it echoes a datagram.
whereis – Finds the location
finger – Display information about a user
Size of networks continues to grow.
Big problem – Too many servers.
Usually one server per application – 1 for data base, 1 for accounting, etc.
Virtualize the many servers employed.
One server with the capability of replacing many specialized servers.
Goldman Sachs (brokerage firm) – Had 250 network people & 30 million lines of specialized code.
Large number of servers, regional, intl., etc.
The number of specialist can be greatly reduced.
The network complexity can also be reduced.
The one major problem is having one machine for critical functions.
Typical Communication Utilities in UNIX
The talk Command
A Complete talk Session
A Complete talk Session
A Complete talk Session
The write Command
Some Programs available in Unix/Linux
Mail – most basic, low level mail command
PINE (PINE Is Not Elm), more user friendly text mail
Outlook, GUI driven
Netscape Mailer
Email Address
The mail command
You can use the mail command in several ways:
mail -- by itself, it opens your messages and lets you read them mail person@address -- lets you compose a message to someone at a certain address.
mail -s (subject) person@address -- lets you send a message to someone at an address, with a certain subject.
mail -s (subject) person@address < text_file -- lets you send a message to someone with text_file as the body of the email.
When you are writing the mail message body, use ^D or <enter> . <enter> to end editing and send the message.
If cc: shows up, this is a list of other addresses you can enter if you wish to send a message to other people.
^C will kill a mail message you are typing.
The mail Command (Sending Mail)
While editing a message you may use…
~h -- lets you edit the header (to, subject, cc, bcc)
These may also work:
~s -- edit the subject.
~t -- edit the to list.
~c -- edit the cc (carbon copy) list.
~b -- edit the bcc (blind carbon copy) list.
Use these while writing the actual message
~r <file> -- Add a file into the message.
~f <num> -- add another email into the message
~w <file> -- write the message to a file.
~q -- quit without saving
~p -- print the contents of the message.
Mail Command Example
The mail Command (Read Mail)
These commands are used in mail at the & prompt
q -- quit and save
x -- quit without making any changes.
R or r -- reply to a message (r = senders and recipients, R = senders only.)
f <numbers> -- view the message headers.
p or t <numbers> -- show those messages
d <numbers> -- delete messages.
u <numbers> -- undelete messages.
s <numbers> <file> -- append the messages to <file> with headers.
w <numbers> <file> -- append messages to
<file> -- message only.
A menu-driven client
Uses pico as an editor
Allows MIME attachments
Main Menu
C - Compose to write a message
I or L - View messages
Q - Quit
Figure 7-10
Local login
Figure 7-11
Remote Login
rlogin host
rlogin paris rlogin –l username host
exit to leave
telnet from UNIX
telnet open host
close quit
Shortcut: telnet host
SSH or Open SSH
Encrypted connections
ssh –l loginID remote.machine.name
Corporate earnings are up 45% this quarter
1 ssh installed
Corporate earnings are up 45% this quarter
3 ssh installed
Encrypt fdh37djf246gs’b[da,\ssk
open host
Shortcut: ftp host
ftp help: ?
ftp command help: ? Command
? binary
Use binary or bin if needed to go to binary mode (default is ASCII)
Use cd to go to the remote directory with your file
Use lcd to go a directory on your local machine
(where you want the file to go after you ftp)
Use get filename to copy a file from the remote directory to the local directory
Use binary or bin if needed to go to binary mode (default is ASCII)
Use cd to go to the remote directory with your file
Use lcd to go a directory on your local machine
(where you want the file to go after you ftp)
Use mget to copy multiple files at once from the remote directory to the local directory
mget filename1 filename2 filename3
mget with wildcard: mget *
Toggle the prompt: prompt
Use binary or bin if needed to go to binary mode (default is ASCII)
Use cd to go to the remote directory (where you want to put your file)
Use lcd to go a directory on your local machine (where the file is located)
Send the file using put filename
Use binary or bin if needed to go to binary mode (default is ASCII)
Use cd to go to the remote directory with your file
Use lcd to go a directory on your local machine
(where you want the file to go after you ftp)
Use mput to copy multiple files at once from the local directory to the remote directory
Use wildcards
Creating an archive file with tar
To archive everything in a directory, tar –cf archivename originaldirectory
Use ls to confirm that a .tar file was created.
Verify contents by viewing the table of contents for the .tar file: tar –tf archivename.tar
tar –x filename.tar destinationdirectory
Use ls to confirm that the extracted files are in the directory you specified.
Common compression programs: compress, uncompress, PKZIP, PKUNZIP, pack, unpack
Using compress
compress filename
compress archivename.tar
Confirm that compressed file (.z) created with ls
uncompress filename.z
Use ls to confirm that the uncompressed file is there (the .z file should be gone)