CST334 Due: 2/14 ASSIGNMENT 3 Chapter3 Name: In this assignment, you’re going to practice moving through directories and moving files through directories. Fill in your answers as you work them out while logged into mlc104. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS AND DO THEM EXACTLY ON MLC104. Part of your grade will be based on evidence obtained from your home directory. 1. In your home directory, make three copies (one at a time) of your foods file: breakfast, lunch, dinner _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 2. Make three subdirectories(one at a time) : alpha, beta, gamma _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 3. From your home directory, copy breakfast and lunch (one at a time) into alpha _________________________ _________________________ 4. Move (mv) dinner into beta _________________________ 5. Prove that you were successful_________________________ 6. Change directories to gamma _________________________ 7. STILL IN GAMMA, Copy breakfast from the parent directory into the working directory. Use . to abbreviate the working directory ________________________ 8. STILL IN GAMMA, Copy dinner from beta directory into the working directory __________________ 9. WITHOUT leaving gamma, copy dinner from beta to alpha ______________________ 10. Remove all the files in alpha (from gamma or by moving to alpha first) _________________________ 11. remove the directory alpha _________________________ 12. Change dir to cst334 directory. Draw a map of the cst334 directory. Use ls -F and cd subdirectory to display and navigate the subdirectories. Your map should show ONLY subdirectories. Are there any hidden files? 13. (2 points extra credit) scavenger hunt: somewhere in the cst334/as3 directory is a file that contains the text ‘hierarchical file system’ for two points extra credit a) find this file and write down the absolute path name:________________________ (think grep) b) Write a command (or several commands) that copies the file to your home directory_______________________________________ / bin cp etc home beth bin hls csis82 log.txt alex csis80 bin assign.txt task csis10A todo.txt Advanced Directory Navigation/Copy/Move Commands 14) Assume you have access to all the directories in the above tree. Using absolute pathnames, list the contents of a) alex's home directory _________________________ b) hls's task directory ___________________________ c) the /bin directory _____________________________ 15) If you are in hls's csis80 directory, using relative path names, change directory to a. the task directory______________________ b. hls's home directory directory__________________ c. beth's csis82 directory (don't use ~) ________________________ 16) Using absolute pathnames, copy todo.txt into the csis82 directory ____________________________________________________________________ 17) Using relative path names from directory Alex, copy log.txt into the csis10A directory ____________________________________________________________________