Marital Status
Permanent Address
P.O. Box 31471
Uganda East Africa
Makerere University
School of Education
P. O. Box 7062
Kampala, Uganda.
e-mail drkagoda@educ.mak.ac.ug/kmecet@yahoo.com
Tel: 0772467050
Contact Address
Academic and Professional Qualifications
(a). Professional Development
2014 Promoted Professor, Department of Humanities and Language Education
2010 Promoted Associate Professor, Department of Social Science and Arts Education
2005 Appointed Deputy Dean, School of Education
2004 Promoted Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Science and Arts Education
2002 Appointed Acting Associate Dean School of Education
1991 Appointed Lecturer Department of Social Science and Arts Education. School of Education
1988 Appointed Deputy Head Teacher Mixed Day School
1976 Secondary School teacher
(b). Academic qualifications
University Education PhD. D in International/Intercultural University of
University of Alberta, Education Specialization:
Alberta, Canada
Geography Education and
Global/Peace Education.
University Education Graduate Diploma in
University of
University of Alberta, International/Intercultural Education Alberta, Canada
Specialization: Global peace
Education and Geography
University Education
Master of Education
Makerere University
Specialization: Geography
Makerere University
University Education
1. Bachelor of Arts.
Makerere University
Specialization: Geography/History.
2. Concurrent Diploma in Education Makerere University
Secondary Education
1.Uganda Certificate of education
2. Uganda Advanced Certificate of
Primary education
1.Kagoda A M. (2000) Fieldwork in Geography and Teacher Education in Africa. The Uganda
Perspective in African Journal of Research in Education Vol. I No. 1 pp. 122-125.
2.Kagoda A.M. (2001) Woman; A Resource and source of Environment Education for Teacher
Education in Uganda in African Journal of Environmental Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 193 – 198.
3.Kagoda A M. (2002) Education and Construction of African Identity. Immunde L. (Ed) Reflections
on Education Systems in Africa. Rehburg – Loccum: Evangelische Academy
4.Kagoda (2002) The Impact of globalization on African cultures with particular reference to identity
and outlook in life. In Immunde L (Ed) The Role of Culture in the Development of Africa.
Rehburg-Loccum; Evangelische Academy.
5. Kagoda A.M (2002) Determinants of Career and Professional Development of Female Teachers in
four selected districts of Uganda, Geneva. International Federation Of University Women
6. Kagoda, A., & Sperandio, J. (2008). Moving Beyond Historical and Cultural Understanding
of Educational Leadersdhip. In H. Sobehart (Ed.), Women
Leading Education Across the
Continents: Sharing the Spirit, Fanning the Flame. New York, NY: Rowland and Littlefield
7. Kagoda A.M. (2008) The Effect of Land Tenure System on Womens’ Knowledge-base and
Resource Management in Manjiya County, Uganda. In Educational Research Review Vol.
3(12),pp.365-369,December,2008.ISSN1990-3839Online htt://www.academicjournals.org/ERR
8. Sperandio J. and Kagoda A.M (2008) Advancing Women into Leadership in Developing
Countries: The Case of Uganda. AWL Journal, No. 24 Spring 2008
9. Sperandio, J., & Kagoda, A. M (2009). Learning from Experience: Improving Equality of
Access and Outcomes for Girls in Uganda’s Universal Post Primary Education and Training
Initiative. In Baker, D., & Wiseman, A. (Eds.), Gender, Equality, and Education from International
and Comparative Perspectives, Volume 10, International Perspectives on Education and Society
Series. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Science/Emerald Publishing.
10. Kagoda A.M (2009) Teaching and Learning Geography Through Small Group Discussions. In
Current Research Journal of Social Science 1(2);27-32. ISSN:2041-3246. Maxiwell Scientific
Organisation 2009
11.Kagoda. A.M. (2009)Integrating Appropriate Indigenous Knowledge in the Geography Lessons in
Secondary Schools of Uganda. Current Research Journal of Social Science 1(3): 117-122, ISSN:
2041-3246. Maxwell Scientific Organization.
12. Sperandio J. and Kagoda A.M. (2010). Women Teachers’ Aspirations to School Leadership in
Uganda. In International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 24 No. 1, 2010
13. Kagoda A.M (2011) Role Models and Life Histories of Teacher Trainees as Tools for Effective
Teacher Education; A Case of Geography Teacher Trainees, School of Education, Makerere
University, Uganda Academic Research International. Volume 1.Issue 3, November 2011.
14. Kagoda A.M. (2011) The Influence of the Schools Learning Environment on the performance of
Teacher Trainees on School Practice; A Case of The School of Education. Makerere University ,
Uganda. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 3(3) 244-252.
15. Kagoda A. M. (2011) Mechanism of Resource mobilization for support of Universal Primary
Education by Women of Mbale District Uganda. Journal of Educational and Social Research Vol 1(2)
16. Kagoda A.M. (2012) Access to Quality Primary Education in Rural Societies of Uganda. UNICEF
Publication. http:www.worldwewant2015.org/node/290351
17. Kagoda A.M. (2011) Gender Sensitivity Among Head Teachers and Teachers in Primary Education
in Uganda. A case for Kamuli District. In Mach.H, Falrenwald.F and Bauer. Q.J. (Eds) Gender
and Education. Towards New Strategies of Leadership and Power. Berlin. Verlagsgrupee geog
von Holtzbrinck.
18. Kagoda A.M and Ezati B.A (2013) Contribution of Primary Teacher Education Curriculum to
Quality Primary Education in Uganda. In Problems of Education in the 21st Century. ISSN
1822-7864 Volume 52, 2013
19. Kagoda .A.M. Obale. M and Muhindo.E (2013), Place Names in Geography Education in
Uganda: An Exploration of Teacher Trainees’ Knowledge and Research Skills in American
Based Journal volume 2 Issue 5
20. Kagoda A.M and Ezati B.A (2013) Higher Qualifications but lower Jobs. Experinces Of
Women Teachers in primary. Schools of Uganda. Journal of Educational and Social research.
Vol. 3 (5)
21. Kagoda A.M and Itaaga N. (2013) A Survey of Teacher Trainees Expectations, Experiences
and Assessment in Uganda Journal of Educational and Social Research. Vol 3 (5)
22. Alice Merab Kagoda & Joviter Katabaro (2013) Funding Teaching Practice in two East
African universities: Its influence on the behaviour and practices of a supervisor, Africa
Education Review, 10:sup1, S117-S133, DOI: 10.1080/18146627.2013.855436
ISSN 1814-6627 (print), 1753-5921 (online)
.Research and Research papers presented in conferences
Kagoda A.M. (2000) Education in Soroti District After Insurgency. A case for Kasilo County.
A paper presented at the South Africa Association of Women Graduates Conference 15 – 22
January 2000.
Kagoda A.M. (2000) Problems and Challenges of women living in Soweto-Namuwongo. A
deprived suburb of Kampala City – Uganda.
A paper presented in IV English Culture Conference 28 – 30 November, 2000.
Kagoda A.M. (2001) Gender Insensitivity Among Teachers in Primary Education in Uganda. A
case for Kamuli District.
University of Lisbon at the 5th English Culture Conference – Culture and Nation 28-30
November 2001.
Kagoda A.M. (2001) Determinants of Career and Professional Development for Female
Teachers in Four Selected Districts of Uganda.
IFUW Conference Ottawa Canada 10-17th August 2001.
Evaluated ABEK programme in Karamoja; Consultancy sponsored by Save the Children
Kagoda A.M. (2002). Integration of Appropriate Indigenous Science and Technology in the
Geography Curriculum for secondary schools of Uganda.
A conference held in the Haque. “European Social Science History Conference 27 February –
2nd March 2002.
Kagoda A.M. (2004) The Impact of Land Tenure System and Women’s knowledge on Resource
Management in Manjiya County, Mbale District, Uganda.Paper Presented IFUW Conference In
Perth Australia
8.KagodaA.M (2007) Mechanisms of Resource Mobilization for Support of Universal Free Primary
Education by Women of Mbale District in Uganda. Paper Presented IFUW Conference.
9 Principal Researcher (2005-2006) Popularizing Science and Mathmatics Education for Girls in
Uganda. Principal Researcher Funded by I@Mak.com
10. Presented a paper at Egerton University, Laikipia College “Teaching Practice Workshop” a paper
entitled “School Practice; A learning process, in March 2010.
11.June 14-19, 2010 presented a paper entitled “The Influence of the Learning Environment on the
Performance of Teacher Trainees on School Practice; A Case for the School of Education,
Makerere University. World Congress of Comparative Education, At The University of
Bogazici, Istambul, Turkey
12. Kagoda A.M (2011) Assessing the effectiveness of Affirmative Action on Women’s Leadership and
Participation in Education Sector. A paper presented in UNESCO Conference; Gender Equality in Education:
Looking Beyond Parity; An IIP Evidence-Based Policy Forum 3-4 October 2011, Paris.
13. Kagoda A.M and Katabaro J. (2012) Presented a paper entitled ‘ Funding Teaching practice; It
influence on the practices and behavior of Supervisors in two East African Universities” UNISA
Postgraduate Students Supervised successfully
1.Kalanzi Samson 2002/HD04/568U
Title: Assessing the attitudes to and performance of 'A 'level geography students in exercises involving
statistical analysis in selected schools in Mukono District
2. Mugisha John Kabejja
Title: Factors influencing the changing patterns in pastoral farming and socio-economic impact of the
changes on the people of Kinoni Sub-county, Nyabushozi county Mbarara District.
3. Wekwaba Mauso Julius 2001/HD04/777U
Title: The Effects of Land Tenure on Soil Conservation Practises in Manjiya County, Mbale District.
4. Nyabagenda Festo
Title: Class size and 'A 'Level geography teaching in selected secondary schools of Bushenyi District.
Title:Effects of Urban Waste Disposal practices on the environment in Iganga Town.
6.Mwangu Alex 2006/HD04/5275U
The Effect of Globalization and Liberalization on the Growth and Development of Markets in Kampala
District Uganda
Namaganda Ruth 2006/HD04/5280U
Contribution of Social Studies in Primary Schools to the Performane of Geography in secondary
Schools of Uganda; A case for Wakiso District.
Drajo Vincet Juliet
Operational Management and its Effect on the performance of secondary School Students in Adjuman
District, Uganda..
Muhizi K. Benjamin 2007/HD04/8576X
The Perception of Teachers and Students Towards the Use of Fieldwork in the Teaching of Geography
at A-Level in Kayonza District, Rwanda
Ruzigana M. Fabian 2007/HD04/11488X
Influence of Gender Differences on Students Attitude and Academic Achievement in Physical
Geography. A Case Study of Kigali Institute of Education, Uganda
Mahuku Mukamuganga 2007/HD04/8727X
Availability and Use of Instrucrtional Materials by Geography Teachers at A-Level in Selected
Secondary Schools in Kigali City, Rwanda
Ssebugenyi Rose 2007/HD04/10758U
Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Students in Geography Paper Three at Advanced Level in
Secondary Schools in Kampala District.
Kiviri William, 2008/HD04/13513X
Influence of School Learning Environment on Student’s Choice of Geography At “A’Level in Gasabo
District. Rwanda.
Katabazi Robert 2007HD04/10774U
A Comparative Study of The Methods and Resources Used to Teach Geography At Ordinary Level In
Uganda and Rwanda
Mayanja Moses 2007/HD04/10754U
Contribution of Environmental Education on Wetlands conservation Practices in Lubaga Division,
Kampala District.
(a)Member of Senate; Makerere University
.(b) 2010 Member Restructuring Committee of Academic programs.
2014 Member Restructuring Committee of Academic Programmes
1999 – To date Chairperson Board of Governors, Bishop Willis Core Primary
Teachers College, Iganga.
1999 – 2013
Member Board of Governors Wanyange Girls School.
2000 – 2002
Church Warden, Kiwuliliza Church of Uganda, Kampala
2003 – 2010
Member/Vice Chairperson Board of Governors, Old Kampala
2003 – 2005
Member Board of Governing Council National Teachers College
Kaliro, Uganda
External Examiner Kampala International University
2007 – 2010
External Examiner Gulu University
2006- 2009
2010- 2012
2010- 2013
1980 – to date
1987 – to date
1997 – to date
1998 – 2009
2002 – 2006
2010 – to date
2009—to date
Member Governing Council YWCA Vocational College, Kampala
External Examiner The Aga Khan University, Dar Es Salaam
External Examiner University of Dar Es Salaam
Member Governing Council Busoga University, Uganda
Appointed External Examiner Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University.
Member Governing Council National Curriculum Development Centre.
Member, Mothers Union, Kampala Diocese.
Member, Action for Development.
Member, Uganda Association of University Women
Member, Uganda Women Network
President: Uganda Association of University Women.
Treasurer Uganda Association of University Women
Member Rotary Club Kampala City Makerere
Membership of professional bodies
1998 – to date
2007 to date
2011 to date
National Council for Geographical Association, U.S.A.
Member; Women leading Education Across the continents,
Member American Educational Research Association
2001 – to date
Supervising research by M.Ed. and Ph.D. students:
Attended a Staff Development Course (Unistaff 2005), University of Kassel
Germany. Sponsored by DAAD
21 Nov.2006
May 2007
July 24-27
2009 MayJune
January 2011
6th June 20117th December
Attended Quality Assurance Workshop, Kenyatta University , Kenya,
sponsored by DAAD
Attended International Dean’s course in Osnabruick University Germany
Organized by DAAD
Attended an International Women Leadership workshop in Rome Italy
Attended a Biosphere Summer School in Germany, Isle of Vilm, organized by
Evaluated Bachelor of Teacher Education Programme of Kyambogo University
Appointed External Programme Advisor; Evaluate the Bachelor of Education
(Hons) Social Studies; Primary Teacher Education at Kigali Institute of
Participated in Training of Trainers course; Building Institutional Capacity for
training Leadership and Management of Ugandan Universities (LMUU)
Three Geography workshops for secondary school geography teachers in Uganda at the School of
Education , Department of Social Sciences and Arts Education 2005, 2006, and 2007
Convened a Teacher Education Workshop, under theme “Harmonization of Teacher Education in East
Africa; A Strategy for Quality Assurance. 27-29th September 2010. Imperial Botanical Hotel