Document 15076438

Mata kuliah : J0802 - Produk dan Merk
: 2010
Brand Marketing Program
Pertemuan 10
Kriteria Pemilihan Brand Elements
Pilihan dan Taktik Brand Elements
Perspektif Baru dalam Pemasaran
Strategi Produk, Harga, dan Saluran
Brand Elements
• Brand names
• Slogans
• Characters
• URLs
• Logos
• Symbols
Brand Element Choice Criteria
• Memorable
• Meaningful
• Likeability
• Transferable
• Adaptable
• Protectible
• Like a good neighbor,
State Farm is there
• Just do it
• Nothing runs like a Deere
• Help is just around the
• Save 15% or more in 15
minutes or less
We try harder
We’ll pick you up
Nextel – Done
Zoom Zoom
I’m lovin’ it
Innovation at work
This Bud’s for you
Always low prices
Measuring Brand Equity
• Brand audits
• Brand tracking
• Brand valuation
Interbrand’s Brand Equity Formula
Brand earnings
Brand sales
Costs of sales
Marketing costs
Overhead expenses
Remuneration of capital
• Taxation
Brand strength
Leadership (25%)
Stability (15%)
Market (10%)
Geographic spread (25%)
Trend (10%)
Support (10%)
Protection (5%)
Managing Brand Equity
• Brand reinforcement
• Brand revitalization
• Brand crises
Devising a Branding Strategy
• Develop new brand elements
• Apply existing brand elements
• Use a combination of old and new
Branding Terms
Brand line
Brand mix
Brand extension
Parent brand
Family brand
Line extension
Category extension
Branded variants
Licensed product
Brand dilution
Brand portfolio
Brand Naming
Individual names
Blanket family names
Separate family names
Corporate name/individual name combo
Brand Roles in a Brand Portfolio
Cash cows
Low-end entry-level
High-end prestige
New Perspective on Marketing
• Digitalization and connectivity (through internet,
intranet and mobile devices)
• Disintermediation and reintermediastion
• Customization and consumerization
• Industry convergence (through the bluring of
industry boundaries)
Integrating Marketing Program and
• Personalizing Marketing
– Experienal marketing
– One to one marketing
• Permission Marketing
Perceive Quality and Value
• Percieve quality  is customer’s perception to the overall
uality or superiority of a product or service compared to
alternatives and with respect to its intendeed purpose
• Qulitity dimensions :
– Performance
– Features
– Conformance quality
– Reliability
– Durability
– Serviceability
– Style and Design
Value Chain
Calue chain as a strategic tool for identifying ways to create
more customer value
Five primary activities :
• Inbound logistic
• Operations
• Outbond logistic
• Marketing and sales
• Service