Document 15075727

Fiction Summer Reading Graphic Organizer
Complete the organizer and bring it to your English teacher the first week of school
in the fall.
Title of your book:_________________________________________________________________________________________
Author of your book______________________________________________________________________________________
1. Describe the main conflict of your novel.
2. Describe the climax of the plot of your novel:
3. How is the conflict of your novel resolved:
4. Describe the main character in your novel. Provide evidence of what the character says,
does, feels and thinks to support your description, including page numbers.
5. Explain how the setting is important to the development of the plot of your novel. Describe
the setting in detail and include examples of the author’s choice of words to support your
6. Describe a choice made by the main character and the impact that choice has on
subsequent events in the story.
Use this space to continue responses for which you need more space. Be sure to include the
number of the prompt to which you are responding.