BIO 32- Environmental Science Lab Raskoff Lab 1- Measurement, Graphing, and Computers Purpose In this lab you will use the various measuring tools to learn how to measure and report your measurements correctly. Objectives Measure length, volume, mass and temperature in the SI system using appropriate tools and analyze the data with computer graphing. Materials Metric Ruler Balance pH meter pH paper Thermometer (lab) Beaker Ice Tap water Sea water Thermometer (digital) Pasco unit w/ temp probe Refractometer Hydrometer Conductivity meter Lab Laptop computers Background Measuring is an important activity in science. Measurements provide precise observations that are not subject to interpretation as are qualitative observations. For example, a measurement reported as 2.0 cm is the same to everyone, while a report that some chemical turned "burnt orange" can mean different shades to different people—to someone who is color-blind, it may not mean anything! This endeavor is empirical in nature, being dependent on evidence that is observable by the senses. This evidence can include purely descriptive data, which we would call qualitative, but often it tries to make sense of the world through the collection of numerical data, which we call quantitative. Being able to say a chiton was 4.2 cm long is much more informative than saying it is “small”, or stating that the water is 3º C and has a salinity of 33 is much more useful than stating that the water is “cold and salty.” Scientists use the International System (abbreviated SI, from the French version of the name) for measuring. This system is based on the metric system. As you probably know, SI units are based on powers of 10. The sizes of the units in the metric system are based on measurements of water and the earth. The metric system is used by scientist throughout the world. It is also used in everyday life in most countries. If you think you are not familiar with a system based on 10, think about this…. Money – ten cents to a dime and ten dimes to a dollar. To convert from pennies to dollars and back again is simply a matter of moving a decimal point (100 cents is 1.00 dollars), same as in the metric system of measurement. For example, if you measure something and it is 135 millimeters and you need to convert it to meters, just move the decimal point three places to the left and you are at 0.135 meters. Try to convert 135 inches to yards – not that easy is it? 1 The basic unit of length is the meter. A meter is a little larger than one yard. Larger and smaller units are based on powers of 10 according to this pattern: Prefix mega kilo hecto deka BASE UNIT deci centi milli micro nano pico Abbreviation M km Hm Dm l, g, m, etc. d cm mm u n p Division of metric unit 1,000,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.000001 0.000000001 0.000000000001 Examine a metric ruler. The numbered units are centimeters. A centimeter is a little smaller than half an inch. Each centimeter is divided into 10 smaller spaces. Each of these spaces is a millimeter. That means 10 mm = 1 cm, or 1 mm = 0.1 (or 1/10) cm. Do not mix units in measurements. For example, if a certain object measures 4 whole centimeters and three little marks, you write 4.3 cm. The ".3" counts the "three little marks." You do not write 4 cm 3 mm as in the English system of measurement (recording feet and inches). Since each whole centimeter is 10 mm, you could also write 43 mm (4 x 10, plus the "three little marks"). Mass is another important measurement. The unit of mass is the gram. A gram is defined as the mass of one cubic centimeter of pure water at a temperature of 4 C. A dime weighs a little over 2 grams and a nickel weighs about 5 grams. A milligram (mg) is a thousandth of a gram and isn’t much unless you are dealing with potent drugs. The only other measure of mass commonly used in the sciences is the kilogram (kg) which is rather a hefty amount. A fullback would weight about 100 kg. Volume: The liter (l) is the basic unit of volume and is defined as the volume enclosed within a cube 10cm x 10 cm x 10 cm. It shouldn’t be too difficult to see that a liter contains 1,000 cubic centimeters (cc). The liter has made it’s appearance in grocery stores in the form of 1 liter bottles of water and 2 liter bottles of soda, there are even 3 liter bottles out there. Commonly used units of volumetric measure other than the liter include the milliliter (ml) and the deciliter (dl). A milliliter is about the volume of saliva in one spit from a baseball player. A soft drink container holds about 4 deciliters. Temperature is another important measurement. The SI system uses the Celsius temperature scale. A Celsius degree is almost twice as large as a Fahrenheit degree. From freezing to boiling is 32F to 212F, but only from 0C to 100C. To get a better understanding of the Celsius scale, consider the following common temperatures: 2 21C = the temperature in a comfortable room 75C = the temperature of a hot cup of coffee 37C = human body temperature 40C = the temperature of a hot summer day Learning to use measurement tools correctly, and to report your results accurately is an important skill. In this lab you will practice measuring correctly and perhaps discover some other interesting things about your measuring tools. The non-living, or abiotic factors are often important in studies of the environment. These can include both physical and chemical factors, such as location, temperature, light, pH, wave force, wind, toxins, etc. The huge array of abiotic factors often are measured by a large variety of different tools, many of which can measure the same thing in different ways, with different units. A trend in recent years with the miniaturization of sensors, probes, and computer technology is the creation of multipurpose tools which can measure many different abiotic factors, sometimes all at once. Using some nifty tools, we will get some hands on experience measuring some abiotic factors and practice graphing the results! Procedures Length 1. Measure a book in centimeters. Record your measures in the Data Table. Measure the length, width, and height. Length is the longest measure, no matter how the object is oriented, height is the smallest measure. Convert your measures to millimeters. 2. Use your ruler to measure the thermometer and an electric switch plate (the wallguard where you turn on a light). Measure in millimeters. Record your measures in the Data Table. Convert your measures to centimeters. So, can you measure length, width and height on these? Length Measurement Item Measured L Measure in Centimeters W H L Measure in Millimeters W H Book Electric Switch plate Thermometer Mass 1. Use a laboratory balance to measure mass. You must first “zero” the balance. I will show you how to do this. You just place the object on the balance and 3 record the reading. Find the mass of a book (any small book), a pencil, and a coin (any coin). DON’T drop the things on the scale, be gentle. 2. Now you will find the volume of the book you measured. Look back in the background info if you need to for this. But remember volume = length x width x height. So, what is the volume of the book you measured? Record this on the data table. Mass Measurement Item Mass Book Pencil Coin – list what you measured (ex. Penney, dime) Volume of Book, in milliliters: _____________ pH determination 1. You will spend time examining pH, a measure of the acidity of a solution in terms of activity of hydrogen ions (H+). 2. Record the pH values of the three solutions A, B, and C using the pH paper and the digital pH meter. Do the values agree? Solution Distilled Water pH Paper pH Meter Solution “A” Solution “B” Solution “C” Salinity Salinity, the amount of dissolved solids in a solution can be measured in several ways, including: electrical conductance; measuring changes in density of the liquid with a hygrometer; and the difference in refracted light with a refractometer. It is usually measured in “parts per thousand (‰).” There are several different methods of the testing the amount of dissolved solids, or salinity, in solutions. You can determine salinity using the difference in the refraction of light through a sample. You can also measure the density of the solution with a floating 4 hydrometer. Electrical conductance is also commonly used, the higher the salinity in the water, the more easily current can flow. 1. Using the hand-held refractometer, determine the salinity of the two solutions. Place a drop of the solution on the glass plate and put the cover down on the drop. While holding it up to the light, look in the scope and you should see a shadow line which is where you read the sample. Make sure you read the number from the right side of the meter (‰). Refractometer Hydrometer 2. Using the glass, floating hydrometer, determine the density of the samples by letting it float until still and then read the measurement off of the scale inside the glass. You’ll need to convert the number you read into ‰ with the conversion tables. Note: you need to know the temperature of the liquid! 3. Using the digital conductivity meter, measure the salinity of the three samples again. Follow the printed directions carefully. How do the three values compare? Solution Tap Water Refractometer Hydrometer Conductivity Meter Sea Water Temperature Several different temperature measuring devices have been put into two beakers of liquid. 1. Record the temperature on each device for each liquid. Which device is most accurate? How do you know? Pasco Digital Lab 5 Solution Beaker 1 Pasco Digital Lab Beaker 2 Graphing Laboratory “A picture is worth a thousand words”, is a common phrase, and this is just as true in science. Why use graphs? Data, events recorded digitally, are often not very interesting in and of themselves. We are interested in the potential relationships that may lie buried within data but our brains are not very good at seeing these relationships in columns of numbers. If we plot these data on a coordinate system, relationships within the data, may be laid bare before our eyes. Learning to make meaningful pictures from numerical data and learning to interpret these pictures is part of being a scientist. The purpose of this lab is to illustrate the usefulness of graphs, to teach you how to compute and graph with Excel, and to get you to think about how to present your numerical data in meaningful graphs. Outcomes Be able to use Excel: A) learn how to read graphs B) to make different kinds graphs using Excel C) to calculate average and standard deviation of data sets Exercise 1 Making Scatter Graphs in Excel To make a graph in Excel, first open a new worksheet. You have before you a page with many columns of cells. Each cell has a numerical coordinate (along the left axis) and an alphabetical coordinate (across the top). Enter the following data in columns A and B (figure 1). Figure 1 Figure 2. Figure 3. 6 For the purpose of the exercise, let us say that you have a job making $10 per hour and want to graph your earnings. You will graph time in hours on the X axis and dollars earned on the Y axis. 1. Select your numbers. 2. To tell Excel what data to plot, select (click and drag) the cells you would like to use and select Insert Chart from the top menu (figure 2). 3. Now select the type of chart you would like to use, such as the first one, which is what we will use in this example (figure 3). CHOOSE XY SCATTER. 4. Click NEXT A graph will appear with the A column as your X (independent) variable, and the B column graphed as the Y (dependent) variable, click next and you will then be prompted for a variety of information such as the names of your X-axis, your Y-axis, chart title, etc. (figure 4). 5. In the “Chart Title” box type “Dollars per hour” 6. Now enter your Y and X axes information as Hours and Dollars. 7. Click “next” 8. Next choose to place your graph on its own sheet. Give it a name. (figure 5) Figure 5. Figure 4. 9. A graph will appear that should look like this (figure 5). Figure 5. 7 Exercise 2 Bar or Column Graphs You are testing for the number of E. coli bacteria per liter of water from Moro Cojo Slough. The following data are four replicates collected from 6 different sites on the same day. E. coli per liter of Water Rep1 Rep2 Rep3 Rep4 Mean StDev Site 1 3 5 7 12 Site 2 12 12 12 12 Site 3 22 23 22 24 Site 4 1 2 1 3 Site 5 40 34 55 33 Site 6 12 4 5 7 1. First enter the data in the table above in an excel spreadsheet 2. Determine the Average (MEAN) for each site and the Standard Deviation for each site. To calculate the average, click on the first empty cell in Site 1. Then go to “Insert” on the main menu and choose Function (there is also a fast button on your tool bar for this – it looks like fx – if you use the funny letter F option, select your numbers and chose “Average”). A dialog box will appear and will give you lots of choices. Go to “Statistical” on the left and “Average” on the right (Figure 1). Click “OK”. Another box will appear, now pop back to your worksheet and select all the number you want to get the average of (all numbers in Column “A”), you may need to move this new box out of the way to see your data; click OK and the average of those numbers should appear (Figure 2). Figure 1 Figure 2 8 To quickly put the same formula in the next 5 boxes, to get all the averages, you can “fill in” the formula into those boxes by selecting the bottom right corner of the box that has the average in it (cursor changes to a little + sign) (Figure 3). Drag that little + sign across the other cells to automatically calculate the averages. Figure 3. Figure 4. Now you need to determine the Standard Deviation of your data set. Go to the new cell and do the function again – this time choosing STDEV (that is short for Standard Deviation). Use the same concepts you just used for Average, but this time you are doing STDEV. Fill in the other cells like you did with the averages. You will need to follow the more detailed directions above. What does this number mean? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Select only the calculated means, then hit the graph button (or menu option) Choose your graph type – column or bar Click “next” Fill in chart title and label the axes You should have a bar graph of the six means (see below, but without the lines). To add your standard deviations, click on a bar on the graph and a dialogue box will pop up. 9. Click on “Y error bars” 10. Click on “BOTH” for Display 11. Click on Custom and in the “+” and “-“ boxes click back on your worksheet and select all six of the StDev numbers you calculated. The same formula should be in both the “+” and “-“ box. 12. Click OK and you should see all error bars plotted on the bars– NOTE –for Site 2 notice the data was all the same; so the StDev was 0, so there is no bar. Check that the bars are different sizes! If not, something went wrong. 13. You now have a graph with six bars on it. 9 Your graph should look something like this. E. Coli in Moro Cojo 60 Number of E. coli per liter 50 40 30 Average 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Site Location Explain your graph in writing below the figure. Make sure your graphs all have titles, legends and the x and y axis are labeled correctly so the graph makes sense. To turn in (either today or next week) Turn in both graphs (a scatter, a bar). Turn an explanation for your bar graph – in other words – what does all this mean, what are your interpretations of the data? What sites had the most and least bacteria. What areas had the most variation (StDev), which had the least? 10