First Grade Newsletter April 2016 Dear Parents, April marks the beginning of the final marking period! We need to keep going strong as we prepare for second grade. The expectations for being on grade level in reading are increasing. In order to help your child succeed, please read at home each night. READING/LANGUAGE ARTS During April we will continue our study of literary text and poetry. As students listen to and read poems and stories, they will be asked to identify words or phrases that suggest feelings, ask and answer questions to determine the key details, identify the central message and describe the characters, settings, and events. Students will identify experiences of the characters that are common and those that are unique to each character. As we near the end of April, students will begin to look at the differences between fiction and informational books. They will use multiple strategies in order to determine important information in a text. They will be asking and answering questions about the key details and using various text features to locate key facts or information. Our work with verbs and adjectives will continue throughout the month. Students will identify verbs and explain how the endings –s, -ed, and -ing affect the meaning of the word. They will also be asked to generate lists of verbs with similar meanings. Students will continue to explore how to use the context of a sentence to determine the meaning of an unknown word or phrase. MATH Our final marking period has arrived and now that everyone is back from break, we’ll begin the month with addition of a two-digit number and a number ending in zero as well as with subtraction of two-digit numbers ending in zero. Students will utilize their knowledge of place value and reasoning skills to relate a written method to concrete (hands-on) and picture representations of these types of problems. Next, they will work on “composing a ten” as an effective strategy to add a two-digit number to a one digit number. Classes will spend time working with manipulatives and picture models to explore the relationship between tens and ones and determine how making a group of ten can help them find a solution. From there, first graders will develop their own written method, based on place value strategies, to represent addition of a two-digit and one-digit number. They will strengthen their problem solving skills by applying the strategies they have learned to a variety of addition and subtraction puzzle situations. WRITING First graders will write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include details, and provide a sense of closure. They will create writing pieces and poems using descriptive words (adjectives), alliteration (repetition of initial consonants) and similes. At the end of the month, we will return to informative writing. In all types of writing, first graders will be expected to use correct punctuation and accurate spelling for the sight words that we have learned. SOCIAL STUDIES This month, our first graders will learn about the production process, including natural and human resources as well as skills people need for work in their homes, schools, and communities. Students will have the opportunity to create a good such as butter, applesauce, or ice cream and will examine the process of making pancakes and building a home. We will identify the tools used to produce goods and provide services as well as explore how technology has changed the way we live, work, and play. SCIENCE In science, students will be learning about the importance of caring for the environment. We will be looking at how we use water and electricity and discussing ways that we can reduce our usage. We will be reviewing the meaning of natural and human-made resources as we look at what happens to water when it is poured on different surfaces. Then students will learn about how we rely on natural resources (land, water, and energy). We will be learning about where our food, water and electricity come from and what this does to these natural resources. We’ll also be identifying items that use electricity and how the loss of electricity affects our life. IMPORTANT DATES April 11th Marking Period Begins April 14 Report Cards distributed-Don’t forget to sign and return the report card envelope! April 26- Holiday- Primary Election The First Grade Team