ENGR 2 Assignment 3 Due: Start of Class 9/21 Chapter 12: Construct the following shapes found on pages 160-161 on size A (8 ½ x 11) sheets, one per sheet. Select the scale that best fits the problem to the sheet. Mark all points of tangency and strive for good line quality. Problem 13 (Five-Lobe Knob), problem 14 (Walkway), and problem 22 (Lever Crank). In addition, use AutoCAD to draw problem 22. Each drawing should have a "Title Block", simply put your name, assignment number, drawing title, scale, and date in neat drafting style lettering. Don't worry about putting a box around it, just keep things neat. Remember the grading policy: Grading Criteria for Assignments, Working Drawings, and Final Project 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Each drawing has a properly constructed title block (except for drill exercises) Text is the correct height and style and is placed at the proper spacing The scale is shown and properly specified (when needed) Complete (did entire assignment) Correct (no missing lines or misplaced lines) Neat (lines drawn cleanly, erasures not showing) Presentation is professional (8½ x 11 paper, one sided, stapled, etc) Assignments will lose 1 point for each criterion that is not met in the above list. In addition, late assignments will not be accepted.