Michael Cunningham, Rebekah Stauffer, Zach Brown – Milestone 2.3 May 4, 2016 Use Case Functionality being tested Initial System State Add customer Normal add customer to customer list in the Customer Pane Input for new customer requested Add Ordinary Rental Item Normal add ordinary rental item Manager is logged in. Input for Ordinary Input (Including equivalent classes) Valid new customer's info; Invalid format for phone number (length !=10, letters), name (numbers), city (numbers), state (numbers), zip code fields (letters) Expected Results Actual Results Newly added customer displayed in customer list; If invalid info, error message shown detailing the specific errors Ordinary item’s description, rental Newly added item displayed in inventory list; Correct: Nothing in database at startup; Valid customer added, correctly displays error if customer phone number is already in database Incorrect: Allowed to add a customer with a non-10-digit phone #, non-5-digit zip code, and improper name; Phone number does not accept non-int numbers (ie. longs like 9999999999); Interpretation of req. info was limited to name, phone number, zip code, when it should include address, city, and state Correct: Valid ordinary rental item added and updated Add Rent-To-Own Item Normal add rent-toown rental item rental item requested charges, and rental period; Invalid rental charges and rental period If invalid info, error message shown detailing the specific errors Manager is logged in. Input for Rent-toown rental item requested Rent-To-Own item’s description, monthly payments, and number of payments; Invalid monthly payments Newly added item displayed in inventory list; If invalid info, error message shown detailing the specific errors in inventory pane; Inputting a negative number for charge or rental period displays error Incorrect: Clicking Add does not return to Inventory Pane; Charge can be 0 and rental period can be 0; Adding item with same description (different rentable item id) is allowed, but since they have the exact same description, it shouldn't be allowed; Inventory Pane very uninformative Correct: Valid one added and updated in inventory; Inputting same id as another item displays error message; Inputting a negative charge displays errors Incorrect: No number of payments before ownership stored; Clicking Add does not return to Add Copy Normal add copy Manager is logged in. List contains both types of items. Type of rentable item selected from list, quantity inputted; Invalid quantity, or invalid rentable item type Rent Adding items to list of items Database includes at least one customer and copies of both types of item (Ordinary and RentTo-Own) with different rental charges Valid phone number, copy id, for copies of both types of item; Invalid phone number (one not in database), invalid copy id (not in database), or copy id of an already rented out item Inventory Pane; Charge unformatted, should be formatted as currency; Charge can be 0 Adding each type Correct: Invalid with numerous quantity and id quantities correctly number inputted, assigns those copies displays error; Id to unique ids; number of wrong Checking status type displays error; correctly shows on Copies are assigned shelf; unique ids; Empty id If invalid info, error number or quantity message shown displays error detailing the specific message errors Incorrect: As each copy is added, no dialog box appears about ids assigned; Clicking Add button does not return to inventory pane Total charges correct; Correct: Add copy List of items shows adds to lists; items entered; Collection list If invalid info, error updated properly; message shown Trying to add copy detailing the specific already rented out errors displays error message Incorrect: Due date is today, not based on rental period; Rent Normal rental Click Rent All Status check for each copy shows it rented to correct customer with correct due date Check copy status Displays proper information for copy At least one item of both types rented out to one customer Valid copy id of one item on shelf; One rented out; One on hold; Description shown. If on shelf, no due date; if rented out, to whom and the due date; if on hold, for whom Return Normal return At least one item rented out to a customer Valid copy id Status check for returned copy reflects the return and customer no longer has rent associated, Customer report should show total copies rented out decreased Payment Extension for Ordinary rental item At least one copy of an Ordinary Rental Valid copy id, calculate button clicked; Charges displayed correct and due date extended; Checking Description uninformative Correct: Description and customer properly displayed Incorrect: Due date not calculated properly, shown as today Correct: Description shown; Rented out items display a due date and customer to whom it is rented Incorrect: Items on shelf show due date as null and customer null; Invalid copy id throws exception instead of displaying error Correct: Properly returned copy rented out; Properly displays error for trying to return a copy not rented out Incorrect: Invalid copy id throws exception, instead of displaying error Correct: Making payment on ordinary item changes due Item rented out to a customer Copy id of item not rented out; Copy id of item not in database status properly displays correct updated due date Payment Rent-To-Own payment updates properly At least one copy of Rent-To-Own item rented out to a customer Valid copy id of rentto-own type, calculate button clicked; Copy id of item not rented; Copy id of item not in database Charges displayed correct and due date for next payment updated; Checking status correctly displays updated due date Produce Customer Report Includes correct information Database includes a customer with at least one overdue rental, at least one due today, and at least one due after today Click produce customer report Detailed line for each customer and basic information, plus showing total number of copies rented out and due dates for only overdue ones date based on rental period as displayed in a dialog box; Trying to make payment on copy not rented out, displays error message Correct: Making payment on rent-toown item changes due date a month later from original due date, even if payment made before next due date; Trying to make payment on copy not rented out, displays error message Correct: Customer displayed correct; Distinguishes overdue items and displays item description Incorrect: Zip code chopped off leading 0; Says items out when none out; Items due today displayed when they are not actually overdue; Total number of copies Produce Rentable Item Report Includes correct information Database includes both types of rentable items, each having at least one on shelf, one copy rented out, and one on hold Click produce rentable item report Manager Login Logging in unlocks manager functions Manager is not logged in Correct password; Incorrect password Manager Logout Logging out locks manager functions Manger is currently logged in Logout clicked from menu Save Saving on quitting program New information added without saving Click closed Detailed information for each type of item, including appropriate description, tallies appropriately the total number of copies, copies on shelf, rented out, and on hold If password correct, manager is logged in and can perform manager functions Manager functions locked when manager logs out Information should be stored in database and correctly displayed in either inventory or customer pane depending on type of info added rented out not displayed; Overdue item's due date not displayed; Copy Id put before item is confusing since it appears like the quantity Correct: Number of copies rented out and on shelf properly calculated Incorrect: Total copies not displayed Correct: Manager functions enabled Correct: Message displayed that says manager is required to log in Correct: displays customers and items added before closing and after most recent save