Implementing ‘noecho’ Programming details regarding the Linux implementation for ‘struct termios’ objects

Implementing ‘noecho’
Programming details regarding
the Linux implementation for
‘struct termios’ objects
Basic issues to consider
Normal tty operation is ‘canonical’ mode
Input gets processed one line at a time
Line-editing is allowed (e.g., backspace)
User’s keystrokes echoed to the screen
In C/C++ demo we could turn off echoing
We used two standard interface functions:
• int tcgetattr( int fileno, struct termios *tty );
• Int tcsetattr( int fileno, int flag, struct termios *tty );
Basic Algorithm
• Save a copy of the initial terminal settings
• Modify certain bits in the ‘c_lflag’ field:
– Turn off the ECHO bit, and
– Turn on the ECHONL bit
• Install the modified terminal settings
• Perform desired echo-free keyboard input
• Then reinstall the original terminal settings
How much storage space?
• We must reserve adequate space for
storing the initial terminal settings
• But we don’t know how big this object is
• This issue was transparently handled for
us in our ‘noecho.cpp” demo by including:
• #include <termios.h>
• struct termios save_termios;
• How can we accomplish this in assembly?
The ‘c_lflag’ field
• We needed to modify bits in ‘c_lflag’ field
• Those bits were represented by constants:
• Their values were defined in <termios.h>
• We did not need to know the actual values
• But header-file isn’t available in assembly
• So now we do need to know these values
• Another constant needed is TCSANOW
Memory addressing
Where’s ‘c_lflag’ field within termios object
We can’t modify its bits until we know that
One idea is to study the Linux header-file
But where is it? There seem to be several
Nested type-declarations add to confusion
Another approach: let’s write a program to report
the specific information we’ll need
• Our ‘ttyinfo.cpp’ demo program shows us that
sizeof( struct termios ) equals 60 bytes
# we need storage for two ‘termios’ objects
origtty: .space
60 # original settings
worktty: .space
60 # a ‘working copy’
# Insufficient space would cause big trouble!
tcgetattr() does not
know the size that
we have allocated
system would overwite part of the next data-area
Constants in assembly
• We can use the .equ directive to create
our own manifest constants:
ECHONL, 0x00000040
TCSANOW, 0x00000000
• Question: will our program also work on
other versions of UNIX besides Linux?
Copying a structure object
• We can create a program loop to copy the
contents of a data-structure
• Here again we need to know the number of
bytes in the structure we want to copy
• We can use a ‘counted loop’ to do copying
• Three initialization steps:
– put source-address in register %esi
– put dest’n address in register %edi
– put the byte-count into register %ecx
• Advance %esi and %edi as each byte is copied
The actual loop code
$origtty, %esi
$worktty, %edi
$60, %ecx
(%esi), %al
%al, (%edi)
Modifying some flag bits
• Determine offset of the ‘c_lflag’ field (=12)
• Setup this offset in a CPU register (%edi)
movl $12, %edi
• Use AND-instruction to turn a bit off:
andl $~ECHO, worktty(%edi)
• Use OR-instruction to turn a bit on:
$ECHONL, worktty(%edi)
• (Here other approaches also are possible)
Non-canonical terminal modes
• Certain kinds of applications do not lend
themselves to ‘canonical’ terminal input
• We may want an instant response to each
individual keystroke (not to an entire line)
• Example: computer game using keyboard
• We can ‘turn off’ canonical line-processing
• Very similar to ‘turning off’ the input echo
worktty.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
Two further adjustments
• Need two changes in the c_cc[] array:
worktty.c_cc[ VMIN ] = 1;
worktty.c_cc[ VTIME ] = 0;
• First change causes ‘read()’ function to
return as soon as at least one character
has been typed
• Second change causes ‘read() function to
return without any time-delay
An application
• You could use this ‘non-canonical’ terminal
mode to implement visual “user feedback”
in your ‘password’ program
• Whenever the user presses a new key, the
program immediately responds by printing
a neutral character (e.g. ‘*’) to confirm that
it has indeed received the user’s input
• Special handling for ‘backspace’ is needed
• Suggestion: Try it first in a C/C++ program