Alternative Energy Project 1

Alternative energy project
Major Grade
Purpose: To understand the current and future use and application of one of the
“alternative” energy sources. To practice “soft skills” as needed in today’s workplace.
For your assigned alternative sources of energy, research the following:
A. How the technology works/ creates energy
B. the advantages and disadvantages of the energy source
C. current major applications/expected future applications
D. the answers to the four questions for evaluating energy sources
1. How much is available in the short/long term?
2. What is the net energy yield of this alternative? (You can
identify the critical components to consider if you cannot find
an exact number for this)
3. Cost to phase in and develop. (You can identify the critical
components to consider if you cannot find an exact number for
4. How will extracting, transporting, and using affect the
environment and human health?
The product and rubric:
Class presentation – 10 minutes – 8 minutes for presentation, two minutes for questions.
Each team member should present evenly. (25 pts)
Visual aid – can be posters, handouts, power point (10 pts)
Bibliography of sources: must include 5 sources (search engines such as Google don’t
count) (5 pts)
Peer assessment of team participation (10 pts)
Peer assessment form – Jobs should be assigned evenly.
Name of team member
Jobs they did
Performance 15
(1 poor, 5 excellent)