2013-2014 Syllabus

Algebra 1: Class Information
Sharpstown HS 2013-14
Ms. Hogeda
Email: Lhogeda90@utexas.edu
Phone: 832-413-1273
Welcome to Algebra 1! This year you have the opportunity to work very
hard towards your future goals. Whether you realize it or not, algebra is
the foundation to success and opportunities in life. As your teacher, I am
committed to you in these ways:
I will create a positive culture of achievement
I will always treat you with respect
I will work hard to create interesting and rigorous lessons
that will prepare you for the End of Course exam, Geometry, and
I will be available when you need help both in and outside
of class
By being an Algebra 1 student in this classroom, you are also making a
commitment to:
TOGETHER WE CAN: To be a part of our positive class culture by
always showing respect to others
Speak with respect to Ms. Hogeda.
Speak with respect to all of your classmates (No put
downs, profanity, teasing).
Sharpen your pencil before class so you don’t disturb
Turn off all electronics for the class period.
Leave the classroom as nice as you found it; throw away
trash at the end of class.
Be a leader: organize a study group, tutor a classmate, and
encourage each other.
WHATEVER IT TAKES: To do whatever it takes to learn algebra so you
can be successful in future math classes
Come to class everyday & actively participate.
Be in your seat working when the bell rings.
Bring 2 pencils to class every day.
Stay focused by staying in your seat.
Do all of your homework and study for tests.
Ask for help when needed (in class or at tutorials).
Use the restroom before class.
College Majors and
Jobs that Require
Auto Mechanic
Air Traffic Controller
Bank Teller
Dental Hygienist
Landscape Technician
Music Production
Actuarial sciences
Political science
Applied mathematics
Speech and Hearing
Paralegal and Lawyer
Plant sciences
Environmental science
Animal science
Child development
Public policy studies
Finance & accounting
Social sciences
and many more…
Other Information
School-wide Grading Policy:
Tests: 30%
Quizzes: 25%
Algebra Assignments : 40%  weekly packet, classwork, and all homework assignments!
Other: 5%
How will you be graded??
Great question!
Each week you will have a weekly packet. From this packet will be taken the following grades:
Attitude grade:
Based on
attitude, and
participation in
class that week
Warm-up grade:
Based on
completion and
accuracy of
warm ups during
the week
Homework grade:
Every week you will
have 2 homework
Homework is due the
day after it is assigned.
No homework can be
turned in late.
Mastery Check: Every
Friday, a mastery check
will be taken. I will ask
you for certain answers
from the daily work and
homework from the
week. You will write
these on a separate sheet
and turn in to be graded
for accuracy.
**Other grades include: tests, quizzes, projects, and more.
Late work: Weekly packets are due Friday for full credit. A student may turn in the weekly packet
LATE up until THURSDAY of that next week for a maximum of 80 points. This gives you 6 days to
finish all of the work. After Thursday, the work may not be turned in and cannot be made up.
Absences/ Make-Up Work: If you are absent, you are responsible for getting the work you need
for the day you missed. All of the assignments will be in the week packet; therefore you will have all
of the assignments in advance. In the event of an emergency, it is your responsibility to discuss it
with Ms. Hogeda. Absolutely no late assignments will be accepted after the allotted late days.
Tutorials: Ms. Hogeda is available for tutorials before and after school, as well as sometimes
during lunch. The official tutorial dates for the week will be posted on the classroom board.
Academic Honesty: It is extremely important that you do all your own work (on classwork and
homework as well as tests). If you are struggling in the class, please see Ms. Hogeda rather than
make a poor decision (copy homework, cheat on a test, etc). Once you lose someone’s trust, it can
be difficult to earn it back. In the same vein, do NOT let anyone cheat off you or copy your
Tardies: If you are tardy to class – you must go get a PLASCO pass. If you have a pass, place it in Ms.
Hogeda’s hands without disrupting the class. More than three tardies will result in a detention.
Excessive tardies will prevent you from receiving your credits for the class – even if you are
Electronics: Do not use any electronics out of respect for yourself, your fellow classmates, and your
teacher. Per school policy, phones and headphones should be neither seen nor heard during
classtime. If you take out your phone for any reason (texting, checking the time, using it as a
calculator, etc) it will be taken up. If it is heard, it will be taken up. THIS is your warning.
Food or Drink: School policy is that no food or drink (water is allowed) is to be consumed in class.
If you have food or drink out, I will take it. Just as cell phones, THIS is your warning.
Hall Passes: Per school wide policy, there are no hall passes. Utilize passing periods and lunchtime
to take care of personal business. If any emergency arises, you are allowed 12 restroom passes for
any class to be used at your discretion. If all passes are used, you are not going anywhere. Sorry 
Graffiti: Save it for the scratch paper. I realize that many of you are artists; make sure you use
paper for your creativity. Otherwise, you will receive a detention and be required to clean the
classroom/desk that afternoon.
Moving Around the Classroom: Students will remain in their seats during classtime. If you need to
get up to do something, quietly use the appropriate hand signal and wait for the teacher’s response.