Concepts of Engineering [2014-2015] Lori Dunklin Rm 314 Off: 3rd and 7th Class Overview COE is a class that teaches critical thinking and problem solving skills. While participating in this class, students will get exposed to engineering concepts and communications opportunities. As a COE student you will get the opportunity to participate in school level and regional competitions such as bottle rockery, bridge building, egg drop, essay writing, banner and mousetrap car. Winners of the mousetrap car competition will get the opportunity to travel and compete in the National competition. COE students will also participate in Science fair and other academic competitions such as GCTAME and UIL. Students will participate in other activates and projects as opportunities come up. Class Expectations: Special points of interest: You will need a composition book that will serve as your engineering design notebook. You will put all brain storming ideas, sketches and project blue prints in the book. You will form teams/companies that will stay the same throughout the year. Most materials will be provided to you. You will be informed early if there are materials You willwill receive a grade on: that your need to provide. · The completed project · Project milestones COE students are expected to be on their best behavior in all classes and be a role model to other students. COE students are also expected to maintain good grades in all classes. · Teamwork COE is a project based class. You and your teammates will be given a “problem” and you will be expected to solve the “problem” by building or creating a product. Your fall final will consist of a research project and your spring final will consist of completion of and online portfolio. · Final project · Class and Home work · Quizzes Safety: As a COE student, you will expected to practice safety procedures while using the any equipment. You will use drummels and sand paper. As a COE student you will be trusted to us the equipment in a safe manner. You will be trusted to retrieve the equipment without permission during a project. If you abuse that trust then you will not be able to use the equipment and that will cause a drop in your team work score. Other equipment consist of protractors, compass, rulers, scissors, box cutters, wood, various types of glue, and hot glue gun. Timeline: Projects and timeline subject to change do to materials and or opportunities. Semester 1 Weeks 1 2-5 6-9 10-13 14-17 18 Activity Intro Bridge Egg drop Bottle Rocket Mousetrap car Finals Semester 2 Weeks 1-4 2-8 9-12 13-16 17-18 Activity SeaPerch Biomedical Chemical VEX Finals